  In INSTALL.alias, the docs say that mail is never delivered to root
by qmail.  You might read the fine print to see if it will do what
you want or what you might do instead.


Quoting Dmitry Niqiforoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello!
>   I've been trying to bounce messages for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], but it doesn't work :( I just copied my
> .qmail-postmaster into .qmail-news, with "&root" inside, killall
> -HUP qmail-send and sent a message to postmaster and to news.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] works just fine, News - doesn't. There is
> "Mailbox" file appears in /var/spool/news instead. I even tried to
> completely restart qmail - the same effect.
>   What I did wrong?
> --
> ________________________________________________________
>   Regards, Dmitry Niqiforoff      [tel. +7 8462 427427]
>   Kraft-S, Ltd.
>   Samara, Russia

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