I've been having a problem with a new qmail box I setup.  It's running on 
RH6.0 with a 2.2.12 kernel, the box is a Pentium/133 with 64 megs of RAM
and 128 meg swap. The problem is the box runs great for about two to three
days, then starts complaining that there is no memory.  This leads to the
killing off of every process on the system.  The kernel doesn't hang but
it does require a reboot of the box.  The problem seems to occur while the
box is under a moderate to heavy load.  I've been running qmail on several
different boxes for a while and have never come across this problem.
I've killed off everything not vitial to the system and have even made a 
habit of watching the memory on this box.  Everthing on the box is stock 
other then the kernel and several updates from RH.  At this point I'm just
looking for suggestions as to where to look next.

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