Thomas Foerster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have a mail in my queue to [EMAIL PROTECTED] qmail trys to
>deliver it since 10 minutes without an error.. if i try to connect
>to the mailer of (do a nslookup on the MX), i can
>connect but there is no response.
>qmail can't quit, he waits until the mail is delivered.
>How can i set a timeout?
>How can i delete this ("/§"= message?!? (i tried qmHandle ..)
1) stop qmail
2) remove the /var/qmail/queue files associated with the message
3) restart qmail
1) "touch" queue files sufficiently into the future to make qmail-send
think they've been around longer than queuelifetime. It'll bounce
on the next delivery attempt.
1) Relax and let qmail do its job.