I'm back with my (unsolved) problem. It's clear from the answers I got
that I have  failed in making myself understood. Mea culpa.

I will (re)state the context :
- My (very little) company has its own domain name, say "mycompany.pf"
(polynésie française)
- My company receives its inbound mail (from the Internet) thru 2
ISP-based POP mailboxes :
   One is set-up to receive mail ONLY to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" (single
drop POP mailbox),
   while the other one (the company's mailbox) is set up to receive all
the other mail to "mycompany.pf", such as "[EMAIL PROTECTED],
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]" and the like (multi drop POP mailbox).
- When jean wants to read his mail,
    he simply dials the ISP, connects to the ISP pop server and
retrieves whatever message is in
    his mailbox.
- When I want to retrieve my company's mail, I do exactly the same, but
with the second POP mailbox.
- When jean or I want to send mail, we simply use our MUA (such as
Netscape messenger) which is set up
   to deliver outbound mail to our ISP mail relay, so jean and I can
exchange mail thru those ISP-based mailboxes
   by using one anothers email address (Jean and I belong to the same
company, but work from different
- So far, so good ...
- Now, things have evolved on my side. I have setup a qmail server on my
LAN, and the
different computers on the LAN are now set up to have their MUA talk to
the qmail server (no longer the ISP mail server),
both to lookup their imap mailbox
and to deliver outbound messages. The current qmail configuration (
relay-agent + "mycompany.pf" in locals) allows
my local co-workers to exchange mail and to send mail to the Internet.
But we can NO LONGER send mail to jean' ISP-based Pop
mailbox using the address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". Indeed, since
"mycompany.pf" is in "locals", qmail wants to deliver it
locally. THAT IS MY PROBLEM. You would say "well, open another account
with your ISP and get an address for jean
that would be outside the domain "mycompany.pf". THATS MY SECOND PROBLEM
:  Jean wants to keep "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
Indeed, he has lots of customers and friends who are already using this
address, so he does not want to change nor to use a second one!!!
(you can see : Jean is being very difficult and does not care much that
I have tried to set up
something new for the sake of my company's health. He says "it used to
work, so make it
work with your new setup..." well thats easy to say!).

So, how do I do it ? (so the coworkers on my LAN and I will  still use
the address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" to drop messages in jean remote
pop mailbox)

I hope I have been more clear this time.


tel;work:(689) 56 23 95
org:Essential Software
adr:;;BP 4206		;Papeete;Tahiti;98713;Polynésie française
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Fondateur & gérant. Founder & Executive Director
fn:Franck PORCHER

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