I have noticed that there are message for invalid domain names
sitting in my mail servers queue.  It's not a problem to have
stuff in the queue, but is there a way to tell qmail if some-
thing does not have a valid MX record to bounce it rigth away
back to the user?

I can understand that this behavior would not be desirable in the
case of the receivers DNS server being unavailable to produce an
MX record.  In this case, you'd want to give the message a day or
so to make sure that this wasn't the case.  Is there a way though
to control how long something will stay in the queue, or to cause
qmail to just bounce the message back if there is no valid DNS for
the domain name in question?

If anyone can either point me to the right place to read about this,
or provide some information about this, I will greatly appreciate it.
Thank you very much in advance for your help..

-Eric Davis

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