Hello Jorge,

> ...
> I have a problem because when I try to connect with telnet like this:
> "telnet localhost 25"
> ...
> but there are a gap between the first and the second message of 3, 4
> minutes, and my mail client always timeout.
> ...

This looks very much like an DNS lookup for, which is not
answered by the name server. The gap you experience in this case 
would be while waiting for the DNS lookup to time out. qmail-smtpd
then would place something like "unknown" in it's log and continue

> Content-Type: text/html;
>       charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> <HTML>
> <HEAD>
> ...

BTW: I don't like these htmlized emails, they consume real 
     ressources, but don't contribute really. Please consider
     to switch off this "feature".
Andreas Kaeser                      Schumann Unternehmensberatung AG
Unix- Intranet- und                 Hermann-Heinrich-Gossen-Str. 3
Internet-Security Berater           50858 Koeln
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       Tel: 02234/108-1855   Fax: -1818

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