On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:

> qmail uses GMT for any header timestamps it adds because:  When
> tracing mail across timezones, it's easier if they're all displayed in
> the same timezone, and because if you want them displayed any
> particular way that's a good task to assign to the displaying program,
> *and* because by not trying to find the local timezone, Dan avoids
> having to reimplement that part of the standard C library (he avoids
> using the standard C library because it's insecure and buggy on too
> many systems).

Ah! That's a reason I can understand, and can live with. :) Security is a
big issue at my site, so anything that enhances security is okay by me. I
just like having a reason. Thanks for the info.

Todd A. Jacobs
Network Systems Engineer

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