On Mon, Oct 25, 1999 at 11:31:27AM -0400, Andy Smith wrote:
> Hi Charles,
> I think this is on the right track for me, but I still don't understand.
> I can get virtual domains to work just fine, where all mail for a domain
> will go into a certain user account, or a certain user .qmail-default
> file.  That's works well.
> The problem is that for some domains, I have maybe 50 POP accounts and the
> domain added to the "locals" file.  The mail goes into the user account
> just fine.  How, then, would I make an exception to send
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] to one of those 50 accounts?   


I think I donīt really understand, where the problem is.

For your question, IMHO
1) just create the [EMAIL PROTECTED] as you would create any of the other
accounts you have for domain.com, and make a forward from there to the

2) use users/assign.

Greetings, Florian Pflug
hoping that this has at least something to do with the problem you have to
solve... ;-))

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