On Wed, 27 Oct 1999 at 10:13:50 -0400, Stan Horwitz wrote:
> Hello qmail gurus:
> I am just trying to gain an improved understanding of the results that are
> returned by the qmail-qstat and qmail-qread programs. 

I don't know all situations causing all kinds of results but here you are
just some of them:

> When I type qmail-qstat and get a result that says something like:
> messages in queue: 5
> messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 2
> I what exactly has happened to the three (5-2) messages that have been
> processed?

They may seat waiting in the outgoing queue. For various reasons. Broken
link to the destination, dead destination server,
"insufficient_system_storage" there, temporary DNS failure,...

About "not yet processed" ones: apart from some situation when a message
originated internally is just being processed by qmail system (AFAIK), I
seem to remember this when my server was receiving some big message from
distant, slow sonnected site.  Part of the message was already under
/var/spool/qmail but not complete. 

> When I type qmail-qread and see something like these hypothetical results:
>   done  remote  addr0
>   done  remote  addr1
>   done  remote  addr2
>         remote  addr3
>         remote  addr4
> Are the last two messages those that have not yet been processed? How

Not rather. Most probably they are waiting for being delivered to remote
destination. Because of the reasons that I listed earlier. Such figure is
usual seen when one message has got more than 1 recipient and 3
recipients have been already reached but 2 left haven't been reachable

> about the first three "done" messages? How long will they be reported in

Qmail's default of keeping it in the queue is 7 days.

> the output of the "qmail-qread" command and are those messages really done
> being sent to their intended recipients?

Yes, these ones marked as "done" have been really delivered to recipients'

Hope it helps. If I'm misleading, some wiser person is encouraged to
correct me.
 Tomasz Papszun   SysAdm @ TP S.A. Lodz, Poland  | And it's only
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.lodz.tpsa.pl/   | ones and zeros.

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