At the qmail web site, in the "Yet More Qmail Addons" 
section there is the following:

Michael Samuel has a patch that limits the number of 
RCPT TO: commands per message via SMTP. 

Real mailing list software will figure out how to deal w/
the bounce.  Spammers generally don't.

However, eventually they'll figure out your limit and will
lower the amount they send...

Look also into the tarpitting patch that is available too.

Michael Boyiazis -----

Mail/Sys/Network Admin

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ricardo Cerqueira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 1999 10:48 AM
> Subject: Rejecting messages with more than X recipients.
> Hi there, everyone...
>  I'm currently in charge of a large network (covering 
> all portuguese schools, and most of the libraries), and I'm 
> facing a spam problem...
>  All mail is handled by us, not the schools, so it's 
> actually my problem. So... what's happening is quite simple: 
> Spammers are sending one single e-mail, with all available 
> e-mails (each school has at least an info@school e-mail) as 
> the recipients, in the "To:" header. Something like
> To: <info@school1>, <info@school2> ... <info@school1000> ... 
> <info@school2000>
> and so on. 
>  This turns out to be rather annoying, especially 
> because Outlook Express and MS Mail usually crash when they 
> try to read these huge headers. (and I have to go to the 
> users' maildirs and erase the message by hand).
>  Does anyone now if there's any way to count the number 
> of recipients, and return the message to its sender if the 
> count is higher than X? (let's say, 100). Or, if that's not 
> possible, return it if the header is bigger than X Kb (or lines)?
>      Regards, and thanks in advance;
>        Ricardo 
> Cerqueira

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