Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on 8 November 1999 at 17:39:02 -0500
 > On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
 > > In a pathological case, qmail can use a lot more network bandwidth
 > > because of the duplication of messages going to the same system.  In
 > > practice this is rarely a serious problem.  Taking into account the
 > > *decreased* DNS traffic, it's even more rarely a problem. 
 > Pard'n me, but how does an additional DNS lookup for every recipient end
 > up reducing the overall amount of DNS traffic?

qmail does fewer DNS lookups than sendmail, and that should be
credited to its account when comparing bandwidth used.
David Dyer-Bennet / Join the 20th century before it's too late! / [EMAIL PROTECTED] (photos) Minicon: (sf) Ouroboros Bookworms

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