Matthew Callaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>qmail-1.01 (yes we know it's not the newest, but that shouldn't relate
>to the problem at hand)
>Red Hat Linux 4.2 (kernel 2.0.35)
>running on a pentium 133
>with 16 MB of RAM
>Diskspace is plentiful.
>It's obvious that 150 MB of mail is a lot to process on such a pokey
>little machine, but it seems a bit odd for the machine to completely
>choke and die.

If you push an underpowered system running antiquated software to the
breaking point, don't be surprised if it breaks.

Is that 16 MB RAM parity, ECC (:-), or pot luck? Do you have adequate

If qmail croaks a system, either the hardware or the OS is buggy.


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