On Sat, Nov 27, 1999 at 01:57:12PM +0300, IT Personal wrote:

> Hi,
> I did take off the 
> :allow 
> entry from my /etc/tcp.smtp file now it looks like this
> 202.51.69.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""
> 127.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""
> and I did the create the complied 
> tcp.smtp.cdb file and run the /usr/local/bin/tcpserver with  -x
> /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
> But still my mail server is open to the outside world.
> One Thing I do not have is /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts file, I removed it,
> will that make any difference for my attempt to crate the anti-relay mail
> server?

That's your problem. YOU MUST HAVE AN RCPTHOSTS FILE, and it must
contain all the domains that you receive mail *for*. For qmail to
then allow relaying, it will ignore the rcpthosts file only for
those IPS you've listed in your tcp.smtp rules file.

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