I imagine y'all get pretty sick of hearing about relay problems... ;-)

I am running a qmail-Memphis installation on Mandrake 6.1.  When
attempting to relay mail out, I'm getting the standard 'domain not in my
list of allowed rcpthosts' error.

Here's the vital info:

My /etc/tcprules.d/qmail-smtpd file contains the following:,RELAYCLIENT="",RELAYCLIENT=""

I won't bother hiding the IPs as this is readily available information...
The box I am attempting to send mail from is the first on the list.  The
qmail box is on the 208.134.228. subdomain.  I compiled the cdb file

tcprules qmail-smtpd.cdb qmail-smtpd.tmp < qmail-smtpd 

And the standard init scripts from the memphis RPM initialized tcpserver
like this:

tcpserver -v -c40 -x /etc/tcprules.d/qmail-smtpd.cdb -u102 -g546 0 smtp

That is the correct path to qmail-smtpd.cdb.  I'm not sure even where to
begin troubleshooting this, as everything seems to be 'by the book', or at
least it would if there WAS a book...

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


"There is no spoon"
        -- The Matrix

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