Fred Backman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I am looking for some information on how frequently does qmail retry to
>send a message, locally or remotely, and when it gives up and bounces it
>back to the sender. So far I've found an excellent source in Dave Sill's
>document "Life with qmail" (App. E ) but he only mentions the remote
>retry schedule, so now I wonder:

Yeah, that's kind of embarrassing. Someone posted that table to the
list, and I included it in LWQ without checking the source. Rogerio
Brito pointed out that locals and remotes are retried on different
schedules. I updated LWQ to point out that that was the remote
schedule, but I didn't bother to include a local schedule.

>(a) Where can I find the local schedule?

Here's the scoop on retries, according to Rogerio--and I did
doublecheck the source:

]       The formula for the time of a "next delivery" of a message
]       that has not yet been successfully delivered *after* the i-th
]       time it was tried is:
]       next_retry = birth + (i*c)^2,
]       where birth is the time when the message has first entered the
]       queue, c = 10 for local messages and c = 20 for remote
]       messages.

>(b) If I want qmail to give up after, say 10 retry attempts, do I put
>the value 32400 into /var/qmail/control/queuelifetime and that should do
>the job?

For any given queuelifetime, qmail will make twice as many attempts to 
deliver an undeliverable local message than an undeliverable remote
message. But queuelifetime is the right mechanism for controlling

>(c) Does queuelifetime mean _any_ message regardless if it's local or


>(d) Can I hack qmail retry  more/less frequently, e.g. by modifying some
>value in the source code?

Sure. You could, e.g., set "c" to 20 regardless of the "channel"
(remote or local).


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