I have played with qmail and vpopmail enough to decided that I like it
enough to attempt a little larger job.  Hopefully, if this one goes well,
I can talk my boss into letting us convert some of our REALLY busy mail
servers over to qmail/vpop/qmailadmin!

The box I would like to convert is hosting 52 domains and about 300 users.
The virtusertable (for those of you lucky enough to not have had to fight
with sendmail) is just a text file mapping the virtual user to a real
account, ex:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]     redneck1

And, of course, redneck1 is a real account, with a home directory and a
mail file in /var/spool/mail.

Vpopmail's vconvert is a useful program, although a tad poorly documented.
Issuing a 'vconvert -e -c' does a nice job of converting most of the
accounts over, but it uses the real account name and puts 'em all in the
same domain.  This would mean a lot of manual editing and moving.  That's
how I converted the first server.  Fortunately it only had 20 or so

Does anyone have any suggestsons for converting to vpop while preserving
the virtual information (domain, virtual account name)?


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