Two years ago, the company I used to work for was using Qmail as its mail
daemon.  It then made the not-so-intelligent switch to M$ Exchange and,
well, things just started to fall apart from there. :)

At any rate, now I have broken away and am running my own web development
and internet applications development firm, and on my Linux server (Redhat
6.1) I'm running Qmail.

Well, I don't want my first post to this list to request help for a problem,
but I can't seem to get AMaViS to scan mail properly.  Maybe I just don't
get it, but the FINE manual doesn't explain real well how to integrate with
Qmail, and I haven't the foggiest idea what I should do from here.  I
remember hearing a while back that someone on this very list wrote a patch
for Qmail (1.03) to get it to work right -- well, I'd be real interested in
seeing that patch.

Thanks in advance for your help, folks!

Dustin Miller, President

P.S. Anyone doing anything interesting with qmailanalog?  I'd love to share
tips and tricks for that little package.

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