On Mon, Dec 27, 1999 at 05:57:30PM +0100, Arne Hanssen wrote:
> I'm no Linux expert and have some questions regarding mail handling.
> My system is PentiumII, RedHat 6.1, kernel 2.2.13 and qmail 1.03
> without tcpserver and such recommended stuff (it works without so far).
> I'm using KDE 1.1.2 (I think) and qmail was installed before upgrading
> RH from 5.2 to 6.x (first 6.0, then 6.1).  After which qmail claims
> to be dead, but runs all the same - seems quite ok!  ;-/
> 1) Some days ago on this list, some guys were discussing whether
>    Return-Path is set by the MUA or the MTA.  This is an issue for
> me as I have (had?) problems with this, using mutt.  Even if I try
> to include a "my_hdr" it will not work; my mail is refused by my
> ISP because "sender domain must exist", and of course Return-Path
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (my local machine) does not exist.  I want
> Return-Path to be <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
> Reading docs I discover that qmail-inject strips away any occurence
> of Return-Path (the person arguing that this header value was solely
> a matter of the MUA must be wrong, or I'm missing something?).
> I have now made a change in .muttrc (set sendmail="..qmail-inject
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]") and it might be working now.  Hopefully there is
> no drawbacks(?)
> Anyone who wants to comment on this (and perhaps explaing "things"
> to me)?  ;-)  Perhaps there are better ways to set the correct
> Return-Path.

In your .muttrc:

set hostname = go.telia.no

gott nytt år!



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