Martin Renner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>e.g. From:     Martin Renner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>      To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Now we have the problem that some replies of our users are going to 
>"m.renner", some others go to "mailinglist". Is it possible that some email 
>clients ignore the value of "reply-to" and that they always send to the 

Yes, that's likely. Most mailers respect Reply-To, but not all do.

>Another problem is, that the original author of the email (m.renner) is 
>getting all the error mails from qmail ("failure notice", "This is the 
>qmail-send program [...] could not deliver to the following 200 
>addresses..."). We want that qmail (and all the other MTAs which qmail is 
>contacting) will send their error messages to 
>"[EMAIL PROTECTED]". How can we achieve this? Setting the 
>"return-path" (as described in RFC822) is not working, because qmail (?) is 
>replacing the "return-path" with the value from the "from"-address.

Set the envelope return path, e.g., using qmail-inject:

  qmail-inject -f [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailinglist <msgfile


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