At 09:08 21.1.2000 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi Folks,
>i have come across a big problem :
>my virtualdomains file :
>Well, when i send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] , qmail rewrites the
header to :
>Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>it should be :
>Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>All mail for and should be collected
within only
>one maildir, because uses a windows-nt mailserver that can only
>retrieve mail from ONE pop3 !
>How can i "tell" qmail not to rewrite the header ?
>Thanks for your help,
>  Thomas
>PS : I'm looking forward to the qmail-book :-)

A: Three steps:
   1. Create /var/qmail/control/virutaldomains:
   2. Create a local UNIX Account "schockbad".
   (a) Log in as "schockbad" and 
       create "Mailbox" or "Maildir" (depending on you QMAIL setup)
           eg: maildirmake $HOME/Maildir ; echo ./Maildir/ > ~/.qmail
            eg: touch Mailbox ; echo ./Mailbox > ~/.qmail
   (b) Edit file .qmail-default
        # /home/shockbad/.qmail-default
        |forward [EMAIL PROTECTED] (matches your sample) -- or --
        |forward "$EXT" (matches your wishes)
   3. Stop QMAIL and restart (changes become activ).

If you have a file /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-shock... delete it !
I'm not sure, whether you use POP3 to grep the mail from your QMAIL MTA or
By the mechanisms shown above QMAIL does a SMTP delever to the NT-Server.
Check the MX-Records for the NT-Server and your file

That's it!
|  fff        hh                                     Dr. Erwin Hoffmann |
| ff          hh                                                        |
| ff    eee   hhhh      ccc   ooo    mm mm  mm       Wiener Weg 8       |
| fff  ee ee  hh  hh   cc   oo   oo  mmm  mm  mm     50858 Koeln        |
| ff  ee eee  hh  hh  cc   oo     oo mm   mm  mm                        |
| ff  eee     hh  hh   cc   oo   oo  mm   mm  mm     Tel 0221 484 4923  |
| ff   eeee   hh  hh    ccc   ooo    mm   mm  mm     Fax 0221 484 4924  |

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