Dear Sir,
I'll be highly thankful to you if U suggest me with the settings which I have to made at my company. I am replacing five mailservers running smail with Qmail. the layout is described with the attachement. Would U plz. let me know the settings .....thanx.

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I need two way mail routing between "welcome" & "gatekeeper". All of these three servers were running smail. I replaced "mailserver"

with Qmail for one way delivery of messages, i.e., from Internet / Outside to mynet. "welcome" basically is a relaying machine. Whenever

an outbound mail arrives at welcome, it decides whether it is for or not. If it is not, then it forwards it to "gatekeeper".

Mailserver only receives mail from outside destined to "" and delivers it to "welcome".

On mailserver:

In locals, localhost

In rcpthosts,


In defualthost,

In smtproutes,

Now I wanna replace "gatekeeper" with Qmail. I wanna make it open relay so that it can send messages to anyone, but accept messages only for "" & then forward it to "" What do U think abt this configuration:

In locals, localhost

In smtproutes,

In defaulthost,

No rcpthosts,

But I think that I am a little bit wrong somewhere..... would U plz. Let me know where?

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