On Wed, 9 Feb 2000 11:55:04 -0600 , Bruce Guenter writes:
> On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 12:02:17PM +0800, Michael Boman wrote:
> > Wouldn't it great if there was a list of big/famous sites that uses qmail
> > as their MTA?
> I just compiled a list of these from searching through the qmail mailing
> list archives:

If I may be so bold, you could add U S West.net to that also.

If, of course, we're big enough ;-)

Chris Mikkelson  | The genius of you Americans is that you never make 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid 
                 | moves which make us wonder at the possibility that
                 | there may be something to them we are missing. 
                 |   -- Gamel Nasser 

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