let's take a step back for a moment too and remember that this is Network
Solutions we're talking about here, who seem to have an amazing ability to
screw up anything they get their hands on.


----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Sill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed 9 Feb 2000 11.35
Subject: RE: Big and/or famous sites using qmail?


>> And Network Solutions, of course.
>Not something to be proud of, as 2 days ago Jon Rust claimed
>in message <v0421013fb4c4c040b1e4@[]> that
>Network Solutions runs an open relay.

It's no longer an open relay.

>I expect unsophisticated users like myself to stuff up, but
>if large sites can't run qmail properly,

Large sites *can* run qmail properly. People--even people at large
sites--make mistakes.

>maybe qmail could benefit from some more guard-rails.

Arguably, qmail should deny relaying in the absence of
control/rcphosts. Hopefully this will change with qmail 2. BTW, the
historical record shows that the by-the-docs qmail installation
disabled relaying well before the by-the-docs sendmail
installation. qmail was anti-relaying before anti-relaying was cool.


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