Here's what I would do.

I'd run a different process on each bash pseudocode:

for i in $(ifconfig | perl -ne '/inet addr:\d+(\.\d+){3}/ && print "$1 "'); do
        tcpserver opts $i port proggie

I'm sure there are some sed/awk gurus that can run that command a whole
lot faster than my 4Mb perl interpreter, but it's quick and dirty, and
will grab all of your IPs (including IP aliases).

Then you make sure to set concurrency on each tcpserver process.

Ain't these tools wonderful?!


Martin A. Brown --- Wonderfrog Enterprises --- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Tue, 8 Feb 2000, Marek Narkiewicz wrote:

:I am aware of that fact as I have read the man page.  But I appreciate the effort. :-)
:Oh and I am subscribed so I don't need you to add me to the to: list.
:On Wed, 09 Feb 2000 15:44:26 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
:>> Would it be possible to lmit the number of spawns that 
:>> tcpserver can make from one ip address concurrently to 
:>> preven one ip spawning up to the limit of concurrent daemons 
:>> and denying access to that daemon? I can't think 
:>> of a way to do it from what i've read of the docs but it 
:>I don't know about the "one-ip" part, but tcpserver DOES
:>have a limit on the number of concurrent processes.  I
:>think it's the "-c" switch.  `man tcpserver` is quite
:Marek Narkiewicz, Systems Director WelshDragon ltd
:02/08/2000 at 23:22:36

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