On Sat, 12 Feb 2000, Jeremy Hansen wrote:

> Is there any way to have deferrals redirect to another system?  Basically
> I have a machine that I need to do a large amount of outgoing mail and I'd
> like to keep deferrals away from the queue.

The information on the type of message you are sending is missing from
your email. if you're doing mailing-list type sending of email I would
suggest doing things differently

1/ attempt the first delivery using qmail-remote directly.
2/ if this fails give the message to qmail to deliver.

then the only mesages qmail has to hold in its queue are those where the
first delivery attempt fails. to move these temp-fail messages to another
machine use qmtp

You know that. I know that. But when  ||  Austin, Texas
you talk to a monkey you have to      ||  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
grunt and wave your arms          -ck ||

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