At 03:08 00/03/08 +0000, you wrote:
> Hi again,
> On 08-Mar-2000 Kristina wrote:
> > 
> > Thankyou for your responses. I was confused on mail quota for users
> > and max. message size. Sorry!
> > 
> > I am interested in mail quota for users.  I was told there are two levels:
> > delivery level and file-system level. I would like delivery level.
> > 
> > How can I set delivery level mail quota for each user?
> > 
> it depends on the delivery agent you picked :)
> there are some in /var/qmail/boot (read the INSTALL file)
> if you're delivering to $HOME/Mailbox or /var/spool/mail/$USER you could p
> the message through a simple program that checks the size/quota and acts
> acordingly. (I don't know where you can find such a program, anyone?)
> anyway, to do this kind of quota enforcing i would choose the standard
> "file-system quotas" and apply this:
> good luck,
> ratao

Thanks. I have taken a look at
and it says the following :

"The virgin code as distributed by DJB treats this as a 'temporary
error on maildir' and leaves the message in the queue for later
delivery retries.  The modified code treats it as a permanent error
and immediately returns the message to the sender."

What is it referring to when it says "The virgin code as distributed by DJB "?

Does it mean that by default when a users maildir gets over the system-quota 
any mail sent to the user is retried over a certain number of days and then
back as return mail while the above patch makes qmail to send a return email

Currently I am using Maildir.

Thanks Kristina

> > Thanks,
> > Kristina
> > 
> > At 02:05 00/03/08 +0000, you wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> On 08-Mar-2000 Kristina wrote:
> >> > 
> >> > I am a little unclear on a few things regarding setting up a 
> >> > mail quota for users.
> >> > 
> >> > I understand a mail quota is set  at
> >> > /control/databytes but how do I set the number? In KB
> >> > or MB?  I want to set it at 5MB.
> >> 
> >> no, the control/databytes defines the maximum lenght for a message
> > by
> >> SMTP. this value is in bytes.
> >> 
> >> real user-quotas should be done at delivery level... or at file-system 
> > el.
> >> 
> >> > 
> >> > Can I set a unique mail quotas for different users?
> >> >
> >> 
> >> you can define a diferent DATABYTES env. var. for diferent instances of
> >> qmail-smtpd (for various interfaces, etc)
> >> 
> >> > By default, does qmail send a return mail to the sender?
> >> > I would like a return mail telling the sender the user is
> >> > above their limit.  Do I require any patches for this?
> >> 
> >> by default, when you exceed DATABYTES qmail will return an error during
> >> SMTP conversation.
> >> 
> >> > I have read about the mailquotacheck patch and it says on
> >> > the page that it is "clearly only effective on a userle
> > mail
> >> > hub"?
> >> > Why is that?
> >> 
> >> it's a box that don't have users (no control/locals). This box receives
> >> mail and forwards it to another server.
> >> 
> >> > 
> >> > Thankyou,
> >> > Kristina
> >> 
> >> regards,
> >> ratao
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> ----------------------------------
> >> E-Mail: RaTao von J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Date: 08-Mar-2000
> >> Time: 01:57:23
> >> ----------------------------------
> >>   
> ----------------------------------
> E-Mail: RaTao von J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 08-Mar-2000
> Time: 02:57:37
> ----------------------------------

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