qmail Digest 9 Mar 2000 11:00:01 -0000 Issue 935

Topics (messages 38316 through 38364):

Unknown recipients
        38316 by: Bernat Ginard
        38317 by: Anand Buddhdev

unable to open mutex
        38318 by: Jason Huang
        38319 by: Petr Novotny
        38349 by: Jason Huang
        38351 by: Uwe Ohse

Re: implementation of VIRTUAL DOMAIN
        38320 by: ravivr.hss.hns.com
        38331 by: Ruben van der Leij

qq failure on HP-UX
        38321 by: Harald Hanche-Olsen
        38346 by: Uwe Ohse

Patch for wildcard support in control/locals
        38322 by: Junwen Lai

Qmail-popup or Qmail-pop3d
        38323 by: Spades
        38325 by: Spades

Email 101
        38324 by: Jason.Baker.stdbev.com

Re: Email 101; place horse before cart
        38326 by: Stephen Bosch
        38327 by: Jason.Baker.stdbev.com
        38328 by: Dave Sill
        38333 by: Jason.Baker.stdbev.com
        38334 by: Kelly French
        38335 by: Dave Sill
        38336 by: Charles Cazabon
        38345 by: richard.illuin.org
        38347 by: Rogerio Brito
        38348 by: Markus Stumpf

Re: _I_couldn't_find_any_host_by_that_name._
        38329 by: Crow, Ian
        38330 by: James Raftery
        38332 by: Dave Sill

Newbie qmail mairdir question.. sorry.
        38337 by: Chad Day
        38338 by: Dave Sill

Problems with subdomains
        38339 by: Webmaster
        38340 by: Webmaster
        38342 by: Dave Sill
        38344 by: Ruben van der Leij

problem with mail delivery to nonlocal domains...
        38341 by: Gabriel Ambuehl

        38343 by: Chad Day

qmail-pop3d and tcpserver
        38350 by: Andy Bradford
        38352 by: Uwe Ohse
        38353 by: Andy Bradford
        38355 by: Timothy L. Mayo
        38356 by: Andy Bradford

ezmlm-manage Failure
        38354 by: the fragile art of existence
        38357 by: Andy Bradford

Unexpected EOF
        38358 by: net.ncal.verio.com

[Unable_to_chdir_to_maildir (#4.2.1)]
        38359 by: Dewald Strauss

Re: Unexpected EOF - Solved
        38360 by: net.ncal.verio.com

tcpserver unable to fork
        38361 by: S Ashok Kumar
        38363 by: Anand Buddhdev

All mail for a domain into a single POP box  (HOWTO?)
        38362 by: Svenne Krap
        38364 by: Mikko Hänninen


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Hi all,

The behaiviour of qmail is accept al messages for local domains and if
the recipient is unknown it returns the mail. Under normal operation
that's not a big problem, but last night somebody was doing spam outside
here and put as sender address one ours, so today there was 64 double
bounces of that address.

What I want to know is if there is a way to change this to make qmail
don't accept a mail for a non existent recipient in the local domains.

Bernat Ginard Lladó
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]           http://www.kaos.es

On Wed, Mar 08, 2000 at 01:40:32PM +0100, Bernat Ginard wrote:

> Hi all,
> The behaiviour of qmail is accept al messages for local domains and if
> the recipient is unknown it returns the mail. Under normal operation
> that's not a big problem, but last night somebody was doing spam outside
> here and put as sender address one ours, so today there was 64 double
> bounces of that address.
> What I want to know is if there is a way to change this to make qmail
> don't accept a mail for a non existent recipient in the local domains.

No there isn't. qmail's design is such that it does no recipient
verification when accepting an email. I wish there were some way to do
this though. Perhaps qmail-smtpd can look up a file list users/assign.

See complete headers for more info

I moved all qmail files from 'MACHINE_1' to 'MACHINE_2' (  use 'tar zxfv' command ) .
The two machine are the same OS (Linux) , but different qmail uid and gid.
I had changed the start's sript  about uid and gid , but I still got the blow message .
(I use tcpserver.)
Mar  8 13:00:52 server58 qmail: 952491652.534995 alert: cannot start: unable to open mutex
Mar  8 13:06:20 server58 qmail: 952491980.571310 alert: cannot start: unable to open mutex
I found some files in '/var/qmail/queue/intd'. They are 16101 , 16102 ,and 16103.
I thinks it is owner's problem. 
Appreciate any help.

Hash: SHA1

On 8 Mar 00, at 21:45, Jason Huang wrote:

> I moved all qmail files from 'MACHINE_1' to 'MACHINE_2' (  use 'tar
> zxfv' command ) . The two machine are the same OS (Linux) , but
> different qmail uid and gid.

Don't. It won't ever work. You have to recompile qmail.

> I had changed the start's sript  about
> uid and gid , but I still got the blow message . (I use tcpserver.)
> Mar  8 13:00:52 server58 qmail: 952491652.534995 alert: cannot start:
> unable to open mutex Mar  8 13:06:20 server58 qmail: 952491980.571310
> alert: cannot start: unable to open mutex

[root@saturnin smtp]# ls -l /var/qmail/queue/lock
total 1
- -rw-------   1 qmails   qmail           0 May 13  1999 sendmutex
- -rw-r--r--   1 qmailr   qmail        1024 Mar  8 14:57 tcpto
prw--w--w-   1 qmails   qmail           0 Mar  8 14:57 trigger

However, you need to recompile qmail with changed uids. No 
exception. qmail-send is running under a uid of qmails; it must be 
able to open the sendmutex file above...

Version: PGP 6.0.2 -- QDPGP 2.60 
Comment: http://community.wow.net/grt/qdpgp.html

Petr Novotny, ANTEK CS
PGP key ID: 0x3BA9BC3F
-- Don't you know there ain't no devil there's just God when he's drunk.
                                                             [Tom Waits]

Thanks,Petr Novotny !!

     I create new qmail users in 'MACHINE_2'  before moving the files.
I check all qmail files.

[root@MACHINE_2 ]# ls -al /var/qmail/queue/lock
-rw-------    1 qmails  qmail          0 Jan  8 12:32 sendmutex
-rw-r--r--    1 qmailr   qmail    1024 Jan  9 12:32 tcpto
prw--w--w- 1 qmails  qmail          0 Jan  9 13:01 trigger

Every file is the right mode and owner that it should be.
Is it possible that qmail remeber the uid number  ?

[root@MACHINE_1  ]# id qmaild
uid=519(qmaild) gid=503(nofiles) groups=503(nofiles)
[root@MACHINE_2  ]# id qmaild
uid=506(qmaild) gid=505(nofiles) groups=505(nofiles)

On 8 Mar 00, at 21:55, Petr Novotny wrote:

>On 8 Mar 00, at 21:45, Jason Huang wrote:
>> I moved all qmail files from 'MACHINE_1' to 'MACHINE_2' (  use 'tar
>> zxfv' command ) . The two machine are the same OS (Linux) , but
>> different qmail uid and gid.
>Don't. It won't ever work. You have to recompile qmail.
>> I had changed the start's sript  about
>> uid and gid , but I still got the blow message . (I use tcpserver.)
>> Mar  8 13:00:52 server58 qmail: 952491652.534995 alert: cannot start:
>> unable to open mutex Mar  8 13:06:20 server58 qmail: 952491980.571310
>> alert: cannot start: unable to open mutex
>[>root@saturnin smtp]# ls -l /var/qmail/queue/lock
>total 1
>- -rw-------   1 qmails   qmail           0 May 13  1999 sendmutex
>- -rw-r--r--   1 qmailr   qmail        1024 Mar  8 14:57 tcpto
>prw--w--w-   1 qmails   qmail           0 Mar  8 14:57 trigger>
>However, you need to recompile qmail with changed uids. No 
>exception. qmail-send is running under a uid of qmails; it must be 
>able to open the sendmutex file above...

On Thu, Mar 09, 2000 at 11:05:42AM +0800, Jason Huang wrote:
> Every file is the right mode and owner that it should be.
> Is it possible that qmail remeber the uid number  ?

it does. They are compiled in.

Regards, Uwe

Dear friends,
We are providing a mail (Via Qmail)services  to all our customers(around
15-20 domains).At present my Qmail(linux)server delivers the mail only thru
USERNAME(It will not look for domain name).This has limited me to use only
ONE USERNAME for all domains.This problem can be sorted out thru VIRTUAL
Is there any other way pls tell me with clear cut procedure.
Also,thru VIRTUAL DOMAIN how do we implement this .Pls explain me with all
neccessary steps


On Wed, Mar 08, 2000 at 07:33:41PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The problem can be sorted out thru VIRTUAL DOMAINS.
> Is there any other way pls tell me with clear cut procedure.

Read 'man qmail-control'. Read the parts and references about rcpthosts,
locals and virutaldomains twice. Read a bind manual. Change DNS, change
rcpthosts, locals and virtualdomains. Done.

Up and running in less than 20 minutes.



I got this bounce mesage today:

crt0: ERROR: mmap failed for dld (data) errno:000000012
Unable to forward message: qq permanent problem (#5.3.0).

Apparently a temporary problem (too little memory at an awkward
moment?) tagged as permanent -- this is not too good.  The machine
responds to uname -a as follows:

HP-UX iq B.10.10 A 9000/712 unknown

Does anybody on the list know enough about HP-UX to suggest a way we
can trap this kind of error and get it properly changed to a temporary

- Harald

On Wed, Mar 08, 2000 at 05:06:20PM +0100, Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote:
> I got this bounce mesage today:
> crt0: ERROR: mmap failed for dld (data) errno:000000012
> Unable to forward message: qq permanent problem (#5.3.0).

this can only happen "if ((exitcode >= 11) && (exitcode <= 40))",
which qmail-queue doesn't return in case of "out of memory".

> Apparently a temporary problem (too little memory at an awkward
> moment?) tagged as permanent -- this is not too good.  The machine
> responds to uname -a as follows:

HP had a long standing tradition of doing crazy things in crt0.o
(friendlier persons would possibly say "didn't get it right in
versions 10.low").
Maybe they do not only need quite a lot of memory, but exit(rand()) 
in case of problems (or are just careless enough to not set an
definite exit code, and reuse the errno as exit code).

> HP-UX iq B.10.10 A 9000/712 unknown
> Does anybody on the list know enough about HP-UX to suggest a way we
> can trap this kind of error and get it properly changed to a temporary
> one?

a) update to 10.20 which may fix this problem
b) get more memory
c) see qmail.c, change
         if ((exitcode >= 11) && (exitcode <= 40))
         if ((exitcode!=12) && (exitcode >= 11) && (exitcode <= 40))
qmail-queue doesn't normally exit 12.

Regards, Uwe

Someone may want a host to accept all mails in the form of
*.abc.com,  *.*.abc.com, there IS a way to implement such
function,but it is rather annoying.

  |/var/qmail/bin/forward $EXT2

I hacked the source code of Qmail, and it now support wildcard in
control/locals, that is ,you can set up following lines in 
control/locals and it will work. :-)
sooooooo easy.

---------------- my patch ------------

> { unsigned char *pbyte;
>   unsigned int len;
>   unsigned int dot;
>   unsigned char count;
>   count=0;
>   pbyte=addr.s+at+1;
>   len=addr.len-at-1;
>   dot=byte_chr(pbyte,len,'.');
>   while(dot<len && count<4){
>       if(constmap(&maplocals,pbyte+dot,len-dot)){
>       if (!stralloc_cat(&rwline,&addr)) return 0;
>       if (!stralloc_0(&rwline)) return 0;
>       return 1;
>       }//if
>       pbyte=pbyte+dot+1;
>       len=len-dot-1;
>       dot=byte_chr(pbyte,len,'.');
>       count++;
>   }//while
> }

---------------- apply the patch -----
(1) save the patch above as qmail-send.patch
(2) download qmail-1.03.tar.gz
(3) tar xzvf qmail-1.03.tar.gz
(4) cd qmail-1.03 
(5) patch qmail-send.c <qmail-send.patch
(6) install qmail as stated in INSTALL file

If any problem,please contact me directly since I am not subscribed to
this mailling list


Whats the different between qmail-popup and qmail-pop3d..I want my
vpopmail to work, however i have no pop3 server, today i was told to:
tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup i-shell.net \
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

I did it! now pop is running:   -> is there anything else i need to do to
run vpopmail?

$ telnet localhost 110
Trying localhost...
Connected to bummer.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
user popuser
-ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir

I see a new mail in /Maildir of the user dir

However wrong passwd, err - auth failed

Whats the different between qmail-popup and qmail-pop3d..I want my
vpopmail to work, however i have no pop3 server, today i was told to:
tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup i-shell.net \
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

I did it! now pop is running:   -> is there anything else i need to do to
run vpopmail?

$ telnet localhost 110
Trying localhost...
Connected to bummer.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
user popuser
-ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir

Im in need of a decent reference for the email newbie targeted more towards
qmail then sendmail, which is all I have been able to find.   Im needing to
setup a mail server that will act as a relay for CCmail to pull mail from.  As
this is my first leap into email servers, and this thing has to be up and
running by Sunday night, I need all the pointers I can get.  I apologize for the
blatant newbie post to this list, but as you can imagine im rather desperate
right now and very short on time.

Jason Baker

> Im in need of a decent reference for the email newbie targeted
> more towards
> qmail then sendmail, which is all I have been able to find.   Im
> needing to
> setup a mail server that will act as a relay for CCmail to pull
> mail from.

Whoa, slow down, eh? I think you need to get a working installation of qmail
up and running first, then you can worry about piping CCmail into it.

> As
> this is my first leap into email servers, and this thing has to be up and
> running by Sunday night

I think you are being optimistic. If you are facing a deadline I'd ask for
an extension right now.

Have you looked at the qmail pages on the web, like www.qmail.org? There are
also at least two qmail how-to's and a very useful page from Dave Sill
called "Life with qmail" : http://web.infoave.net/~dsill/lwq.html.

Good luck,


Im reading life with qmail as we speak.  I really wish I could extend the
deadline,  but we are switching ISPs since our current ISP is going under. They
had been doing mail relaying for us, so all CCmail had to do was connect up and
pull its mail down.  Sprint doesnt do any kind of mail relaying, so we are
having to put this sucker up this weekend.  CCMail, the fine product that it is,
has to be fed by a relay of some sort, hence the pickle Im now in. 

Jason Baker


>Im reading life with qmail as we speak.  I really wish I could extend
>the deadline, but we are switching ISPs since our current ISP is
>going under. They had been doing mail relaying for us, so all CCmail
>had to do was connect up and pull its mail down.

I don't know anything about CCmail...how does it "pull its mail down"?
Does it use SMTP and ETRN, POP, IMAP, or something else?

>Sprint doesnt do
>any kind of mail relaying, so we are having to put this sucker up
>this weekend.  CCMail, the fine product that it is, has to be fed by
>a relay of some sort, hence the pickle Im now in.

First, install a basic qmail a la LWQ.

When that's done, you can configure it as a relay.

If you remain calm, you should be able to do this in a couple
days. (Some people could it in a couple hours without prior qmail

Tell us something about your set-up. You have your own domain? And
your current-soon-to-be-ex-ISP has an MX record for that domain? Have
you made plans to have your new ISP take over the domain's name
service and set up an MX record pointing to the qmail box? The qmail
box *will* be the public mail exchanger, right? And it'll hold all
messages for CCmail to pick up? How will outgoing mail from CCmail be
handled? Will it be routed through the qmail box also?


The way it works right now is that our ISP receives and sends all email for us. 
A program called WinSMTP that comes with CCmail takes and pulls down all its
email from the relay via smtp.    We have our domains registered and for right
now, the MX records still point to our old ISP. We're going to repoint those to
the public mail exchanger that will be Qmail.  I imagine Im just in panic mode
from the deadline that was given to me yesterday, or at least I hope :o)  

By the way, thanks for the fast response.  Support was the determining factor
between qmail and postfix.  We will be using qmail . 

Jason Baker

WinSMTP is definitely ccMail's SMTP gateway.  I ran it here for a while
(before I finally took a sledghammer to ccMail).  I don't think WinSMTP is
pulling email from your current ISP.  Your ISP may be the primary MX, and
then sending it to WinSMTP.

I think you should be able to just have your MX point directly to your
WinSMTP machine.  This isn't an ideal situation because of some of the
problems/limitations with ccMail, but that can wait until after Sunday

As far as outbound email, WinSMTP needs a smart host to point at.  You'll
either need your new ISP to do that (which it seems you are saying they
won't), or you'll just need a qmail machine set up to do it for you.  In
this case, there isn't much special you need to do for your new qmail
machine that is ccMail specific.

I suggest you set up a qmail machine as it says in the qmail INSTALL file
and then just point your WinSMTP to the qmail machine.  Your new qmail
might be an open relay at this point, but it gets you past your
deadline.  You can fix being an open relay early next week :-)


On Wed, 8 Mar 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The way it works right now is that our ISP receives and sends all email for us. 
> A program called WinSMTP that comes with CCmail takes and pulls down all its
> email from the relay via smtp.    We have our domains registered and for right
> now, the MX records still point to our old ISP. We're going to repoint those to
> the public mail exchanger that will be Qmail.  I imagine Im just in panic mode
> from the deadline that was given to me yesterday, or at least I hope :o)  
> By the way, thanks for the fast response.  Support was the determining factor
> between qmail and postfix.  We will be using qmail . 
> Jason Baker


>The way it works right now is that our ISP receives and sends all
>email for us.  A program called WinSMTP that comes with CCmail takes
>and pulls down all its email from the relay via smtp.

Hmm. SMTP is a "push" protocol, not a "pull" protocol. (Ignore the
TURN command which was an exceedingly poor idea and was never widely
implemented, thankfully.)

The closest SMTP comes to a "pull" is the ETRN command, which causes
the server to try to send any queued messages to the client, *but* the 
server initiates new connections to the client for sending these

You might try running tcpdump while WinSMTP is doing its thing to see
exactly what it's doing--and to make sure it'll work with qmail.


> The way it works right now is that our ISP receives and sends all email for us. 
> A program called WinSMTP that comes with CCmail takes and pulls down all its
> email from the relay via smtp.    We have our domains registered and for right
> now, the MX records still point to our old ISP. We're going to repoint those to
> the public mail exchanger that will be Qmail.  I imagine Im just in panic mode
> from the deadline that was given to me yesterday, or at least I hope :o)  

I'm not sure what WinSMTP does; is it possible your current ISP operates a
domain mailbox for you, where all mail for that domain goes in a single POP3
mailbox, and WinSMTP takes care of retrieving mail, parsing the headers, and
injecting it into the cc:Mail server for the right recipients?

If this is the case, there's a few different ways you can handle the new

-new ISP operates a domain mailbox for you.  Then use 'fetchmail' or
(plug) 'getmail' to retrieve mail and do delivery to local users based on
the headers.
-operate a full qmail server of your own, and have the new ISP set up the
MX record to point to your qmail box.

And others.

Charles Cazabon         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

On Wed, 8 Mar 2000, Dave Sill wrote:

> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Im reading life with qmail as we speak.  I really wish I could extend
> >the deadline, but we are switching ISPs since our current ISP is
> >going under. They had been doing mail relaying for us, so all CCmail
> >had to do was connect up and pull its mail down.
> I don't know anything about CCmail...how does it "pull its mail down"?
> Does it use SMTP and ETRN, POP, IMAP, or something else?

cc:Mail is a closed email system, basically people read their mail out of
a shared database which suffers from the same problems as people suing
mbox for storing mail in without the benefit of it being a text file...

it comes with many different gateways (from IBM/Lotus) which allow you to
connect into lots of different mail providers, including SMTP, X.400,
uucp, and a closed-protocol. Several large connectivity providers offer a
native cc:Mail service since the cc:mail router can dial and transfer
messages to that and it is fairly easy for people to setup.

so, in this case the first question is:
 what gateway are you suing in the cc:mail setup to connect to the
service? if you are using ANYTHING other than either lotus' SMTP gateway
or one of the third-party SMTP gateways stop right now and obtain one of
these. when I had the misfortune to deal with cc:mail I downloaded one off
the Internet and evaluated it, but in the end we scrapped cc:Mail and went
to a pop/SMTP-based system

 if you download what windows-based one I have used before and your
deadlines are tight stop looking at qmail right now and setup the SMTP
relay to route mail for you using MX-record processing. it can be done, it
does work and it'll let you meet your deadline without struggling with

once your users have email flowing though the windows box to the Internet
setup qmail on another box next to it; get inbound mail into your site
flowing though your qmail box and to the SMTP gateway. once that is
working check outbound mail from your qmail box to the rest of the
Internet and once you're satisfied switch the SMTP gateway to route out
through qmail. finally firewall the cc:Mail SMTP gateway so it can only be
reached from the qmail machine.

You know that. I know that. But when  ||  Austin, Texas
you talk to a monkey you have to      ||  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
grunt and wave your arms          -ck ||

On Mar 08 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Im reading life with qmail as we speak.  I really wish I could
> extend the deadline, but we are switching ISPs since our current ISP
> is going under.

        Well, it's really terrible to work under pressure (I know that
        because I'm a freelance worker and I'm always under stress for
        the customers are always desperate).

        My recommendation to the above case is:

        * grab DJB's qmail source;
        * make sure your operating system has everything needed
          already installed (compilers, development packages,
          libraries etc);
        * try to follow DJB's install instructions;
        * if you don't understand them, then try to continue your
          reading of Dave Sill's excellent lwq.

        Dave's document gives your more background and doesn't assume
        as much understanding about your system as DJB's instructions
        do. If you are reasonably experienced, you can follow DJB's
        instructions and have everything going in 30 minutes or 1 hour.

        But one important point is: after you have qmail installed, do
        yourself a favor and continue to learn about it.

        []s, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito/
     Nectar homepage: http://www.linux.ime.usp.br/~rbrito/opeth/

On Wed, Mar 08, 2000 at 01:36:17PM -0500, Dave Sill wrote:
> The closest SMTP comes to a "pull" is the ETRN command, which causes
> the server to try to send any queued messages to the client, *but* the 
> server initiates new connections to the client for sending these
> messages.

We have a few customers using ccMail.
We do the MX for them and put everything in Maildirs.
>From there we try to "push" it every five minutes or so (dialup customers).
But I think a simple smtproute in a "connected" environment ist just fine.
They use our qmail server as outgoing relay.

So I think a simple set up qmail box as gateway in front of the ccMail
box should work without problems.
If you want some security (open relay etc) block all connects to port 25
except for the qmail box on the router.

Works fine except that ccMail sometimes seems to generate failure messages
(e.g. bounces) with stray newlines.


SpaceNet GmbH             |   http://www.Space.Net/   | Stress is when you wake
Research & Development    | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | up screaming and you
Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 |  Tel: +49 (89) 32356-0    | realize you haven't
D-80807 Muenchen          |  Fax: +49 (89) 32356-299  | fallen asleep yet.

I've had no response at all to my original message, and am still stuck.

My next plan is to uninstall all trace of qmail and reinstall it, but that
seems more like a thing to do with Microsoft OSes than a piece of UNIX

Any really unlikely suggestions I should look at before I do this?




This message is confidential. It may also be privileged or
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On Wed, Mar 08, 2000 at 05:51:05PM -0000, Crow, Ian wrote:
> I've had no response at all to my original message, and am still stuck.

Debugging an apparent name resolution problem without knowing the /real/
domains involved in nigh on impossible. If you could supply actual value
instead of the dummy domains people will have somewhere to start


James Raftery (JBR54)  -  Programmer Hostmaster  -  IE TLD Hostmaster
  IE Domain Registry, University College Dublin Computing Services,
  Computer Centre, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
http://www.domainregistry.ie/ Ph: (+353 1) 7062375 Fx: (+353 1) 7062862

"Crow, Ian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I've been experimenting most of the day, but can't figure out what's wrong.
>Here's the setup:
>RedHat 5.2
>qmail 1.03
>Dial-up link to ISP
>The following domains, etc are involved:
>mydomain.demon.co.uk - A domain with a real MX record
>fake-domain.com - A domain we use locally, no DNS server, just hosts
>box.fake-domain.com - The Linux server

What does qmail-showctl say?

>There's one other thing that might be confusing when looking through the
>following. The aim is for the Linux box to send all mail (even for local
>users) out to the ISP mail relay, so that its available to them while
>they're not in the office. This is why I want mail from
>the wire, and not simply be routed to a local mail store. I haven't done
>anything to influence this behaviour as far as I'm aware, and don't think
>this is part of my problem. I'm mentioning it just so it doesn't confuse you
>in the following.

Hmm, I'm not sure how I'd go about achieving that behavior.

>If I run qmail-inject -n I get, which looks right:
>Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 6 Mar 2000 17:39:07 -0000
>From: "My Name" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>If I drop the -n to qmail-inject so that things really happen I get, which
>is not so good:
>Mar  6 17:37:57 box qmail: 952364277.225610 new msg 67796
>Mar  6 17:37:57 box qmail: 952364277.242731 info msg 67796: bytes 251 from
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 2284 uid 500
>Mar  6 17:37:57 box qmail: 952364277.377483 starting delivery 39: msg 67796
>to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Mar  6 17:37:57 box qmail: 952364277.378444 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
>Mar  6 17:37:57 box qmail: 952364277.420403 delivery 39: deferral:
>Mar  6 17:37:57 box qmail: 952364277.421614 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
>noticed I changed 'any' to 'a' in the error message to make sure I'd got the
>right spot), and added some code to dump the qmail-remote command line:
>I then found that I could invoke qmail-remote directly and successfully send
>the message:
>/var/qmail/bin/qmail-remote mydomain.demon.co.uk
>This is a test
>rK194.217.242.92 accepted message.
>Remote host said: 250 OK id=12S1TY-000CyR-0Y
>So, I'm now completely stumped. My best guess is that something in the
>environment of the daemon processes is stopping the name lookup working.

Try replacing qmail-remote by a wrapper that logs its environment
before exec'ing the real qmail-remote.

>things make me think this: a) The error is about name resolution; b) The
>dial-up link doesn't fire up, which it does if I do the qmail-remote
>Any ideas anyone?

If the above wrapper doesn't help, try a wrapper that runs
qmail-remote under strace. Compare the results from a working and
nonworking run to see where they differ.


Confused why qmail isn't delivering incoming mail correctly.. trying to use
Maildir.. searched through some archives, found a problem with my
/var/qmail/rc file (no trailing slash after Maildir, fixed that).. 

$ ls -al
total 5
drwx--S---   5 cday     cday         1024 Mar  9 01:04 .
drwxr-sr-x   5 cday     cday         1024 Mar  9 01:27 ..
drwx--S---   2 cday     cday         1024 Mar  9 01:04 cur
drwx--S---   2 cday     cday         1024 Mar  9 01:27 new
drwx--S---   2 cday     cday         1024 Mar  9 01:27 tmp

(goes to send a mail to myself from another domain)

total 5
drwx--S---   5 cday     cday         1024 Mar  9 01:04 .
drwxr-sr-x   5 cday     cday         1024 Mar  9 01:27 ..
drwx--S---   2 cday     cday         1024 Mar  9 01:04 cur
drwx--S---   2 cday     cday         1024 Mar  9 01:33 new
drwx--S---   2 cday     cday         1024 Mar  9 01:33 tmp

The timestamp on the dir is changing, but I'm not seeing where that mail is
actually -going-.. it's not going into /var/spool/mail/$user ..

my logs in /var/log show it is being delivered, successes, no weird errors,

I've been banging on this for a while.. is there some specific maildir FAQ?
I can't find anything really on the qmail site.. perhaps I'm looking in the
wrong place.  

I'm also getting mailer error 111 when I try to send mail.. whether that is
related or not, I don't know, but I was trying to tackle this problem first.

Apologies in advance for this question which I'm sure has been answered
countless times before..

Chad Day
Beach Associates

- I heard if you play the NT CD backwards, you can hear satanic messages?
- That's NOTHING. If you play it forwards, it installs NT 4.0.

Chad Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>total 5
>drwx--S---   5 cday     cday         1024 Mar  9 01:04 .
>drwxr-sr-x   5 cday     cday         1024 Mar  9 01:27 ..
>drwx--S---   2 cday     cday         1024 Mar  9 01:04 cur
>drwx--S---   2 cday     cday         1024 Mar  9 01:33 new
>drwx--S---   2 cday     cday         1024 Mar  9 01:33 tmp
>The timestamp on the dir is changing, but I'm not seeing where that
>mail is actually -going-.. it's not going into /var/spool/mail/$user ..

'Course not. It's going in the "new" dir.

>I've been banging on this for a while.. is there some specific maildir FAQ?

man maildir

>I'm also getting mailer error 111 when I try to send mail.. whether that is
>related or not, I don't know, but I was trying to tackle this problem first.

Not related.


Hi all,

are there any limit with the number of characters of a subdomain?(p.e.

And within virtualdomains, the very end of alias line?   (p.e.

We have two subdomains, sta.mydomain.com and industri.mydomain.com.
industri.mydomain.com it´s ok, but with sta.mydomain.com we can't receive

that is mailer-daemon error


does not like recipient
remote host said 553 sorry that domain isn´t in my list of allowed rcpthosts

At my rcpthosts file


thanks in advance,

Juan Carlos Rodríguez
Webmaster SEKER BBS, S.A.
Comte Borrell 209-211, Entlo. 1D
Tel. 93 444 76 00 - 902 338 338 - FAX 93 410 10 08

Hi all,

are there any limit with the number of characters of a subdomain?(p.e.

And within virtualdomains, the very end of alias line?   (p.e.

We have two subdomains, sta.mydomain.com and industri.mydomain.com.
industri.mydomain.com it´s ok, but with sta.mydomain.com we can't receive

that is mailer-daemon error


does not like recipient
remote host said 553 sorry that domain isn´t in my list of allowed rcpthosts

At my rcpthosts file


thanks in advance,

Juan Carlos Rodríguez
Webmaster SEKER BBS, S.A.
Comte Borrell 209-211, Entlo. 1D
Tel. 93 444 76 00 - 902 338 338 - FAX 93 410 10 08

Webmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>are there any limit with the number of characters of a subdomain?(p.e.
>And within virtualdomains, the very end of alias line?   (p.e.

No hard limits.

>does not like recipient
>remote host said 553 sorry that domain isn´t in my list of allowed rcpthost

That's a paraphrase. Please post *exact* copies of error messages.

>At my rcpthosts file

You're really mydomain.com? Please don't cloak your domain. If the
problem is a typo or DNS configuration problem, we can't help.

Post the output of qmail-showctl. 


On Wed, Mar 08, 2000 at 03:25:54PM -0500, Dave Sill wrote:

> Webmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >are there any limit with the number of characters of a subdomain?(p.e.
> >xxxx.mydomain.com)

> No hard limits.

But there *are* limits to what's allowed in a DNS. 64 characters per
domainname, subdomainname or hostname, and the total FQDN must be below 256

youmightwanttoenterandwinacontestforwhohastelongestmachinename.com is valid,
except for grammar, and with 
youmightwanttoenterandwinacontestaboutwhohasthelongestmachinename.com is not



I'm using qmail on a Linux 2.2.14 box configured following Life with qmail
together with vpopmail (www.inter7.com) to handle several virtualdomains
(autoresponders and ezmlm are installed in order to get qmailadmin to work).
Handling incoming mails works fine.
But outgoing mails piped to /usr/lib/sendmail addressed to nonlocal domains
are not delivered. Instead of delivery, /var/log/qmail/current only notes
that qmail wasn't able to do an smtp connect. Email delivery to local
domains works fine as well as handling incoming smtp connects...
(beside that, vpopmail's smtp after pop feature isn't doing anything
(neither /etc/tcp.smtp not tcp.smtp.cdb are changed), but this would be
ontopic on the vpopmail mailinglist).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


> Just wanted to thank the people who have taken the time to get a
> qmail-newbie up and running.. have gotten it installed on 2 servers now
> (one a while ago, today was the first time I messed with POP), and am
> planning to install it on a few more.. everyone has been very patient in
> explaining things I couldn't find on the site or in the mailing archives
> (which are great), just wanted to express my appreciation.
> Chad Day
> Beach Associates
> - I heard if you play the NT CD backwards, you can hear satanic messages?
> - That's NOTHING. If you play it forwards, it installs NT 4.0.

Hello all,
Just a quick question about using tcpserver to start qmail-pop3d.  When 
setting up qmail-smtpd it is possible to use tcpserver to accept 
relaying by setting RELAYCLIENT="" in the tcprules database file.  Is 
there any similar variable that can be set to tell qmail-pop3d to deny 
logins based on and IP address (or range of addresses)?
        +====== Andy ====== TiK: garbaglio ======+
        |    Linux is about freedom of choice    |
        +== http://www.xmission.com/~bradipo/ ===+

PGP signature

On Wed, Mar 08, 2000 at 10:04:31PM -0700, Andy Bradford wrote:

> Just a quick question about using tcpserver to start qmail-pop3d.  When 
> setting up qmail-smtpd it is possible to use tcpserver to accept 
> relaying by setting RELAYCLIENT="" in the tcprules database file.  Is 
> there any similar variable that can be set to tell qmail-pop3d to deny 
> logins based on and IP address (or range of addresses)?

well, that doesn't sound terribly useful. Why don't you use
or something like this in a tcprules file (and tell tcpserver to
use the cdb file)?
If that is not good enough you'll have to use a wrapper around
qmail-pop3d or a modified checkpassword.

Regards, Uwe

Thus said Uwe Ohse on Thu, 09 Mar 2000 06:16:39 +0100:

> well, that doesn't sound terribly useful. Why don't you use
> 194.:deny
> or something like this in a tcprules file (and tell tcpserver to
> use the cdb file)?

Hmm, well that isn't exactly what I meant---I guess I stated my problem 
wrong.  I have only
in /etc/tcp.pop3 and have built the rules with tcprules as well as 
included a -x /etc/tcp.pop3.cdb in the script that I use to startup 
tcpserver with qmail-pop3d yet it continues to accept connections from 
a machine with 192.168.1.x which I believe it shouldn't.  It was my 
understanding that unless an address was in the cdb that it would be 
denied.  Is deny not the default for tcpserver?
        +====== Andy ====== TiK: garbaglio ======+
        |    Linux is about freedom of choice    |
        +== http://www.xmission.com/~bradipo/ ===+

PGP signature

The default is to accept unless you explicitly add a


rule as your last rule.

On Wed, 8 Mar 2000, Andy Bradford wrote:

> Thus said Uwe Ohse on Thu, 09 Mar 2000 06:16:39 +0100:
> > well, that doesn't sound terribly useful. Why don't you use
> > 194.:deny
> > or something like this in a tcprules file (and tell tcpserver to
> > use the cdb file)?
> Hmm, well that isn't exactly what I meant---I guess I stated my problem 
> wrong.  I have only
> 127.:accept
> in /etc/tcp.pop3 and have built the rules with tcprules as well as 
> included a -x /etc/tcp.pop3.cdb in the script that I use to startup 
> tcpserver with qmail-pop3d yet it continues to accept connections from 
> a machine with 192.168.1.x which I believe it shouldn't.  It was my 
> understanding that unless an address was in the cdb that it would be 
> denied.  Is deny not the default for tcpserver?
> Andy
> -- 
>         +====== Andy ====== TiK: garbaglio ======+
>         |    Linux is about freedom of choice    |
>         +== http://www.xmission.com/~bradipo/ ===+

Timothy L. Mayo                         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Administrator

The National Business Network Inc.      http://www.nb.net/
One Monroeville Center, Suite 850
Monroeville, PA  15146
(412) 810-8888 Phone
(412) 810-8886 Fax

Thus said "Timothy L. Mayo" on Thu, 09 Mar 2000 01:26:37 EST:

> The default is to accept unless you explicitly add a
> :deny

So I have learned.  Did it and it works.  Thanks for the help.
        +====== Andy ====== TiK: garbaglio ======+
        |    Linux is about freedom of choice    |
        +== http://www.xmission.com/~bradipo/ ===+

PGP signature

Hi.I get this when i send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ezmlm-manage: fatal: I do not accept messages at this address (#5.1.1)

Any ideas ?

Thus said the fragile art of existence on Fri, 10 Mar 2000 21:22:10 +0200:

> Hi.I get this when i send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ezmlm-manage: fatal: I do not accept messages at this address (#5.1.1)
> Any ideas ?

Is DIR/public missing?
        +====== Andy ====== TiK: garbaglio ======+
        |    Linux is about freedom of choice    |
        +== http://www.xmission.com/~bradipo/ ===+

PGP signature


I am getting the following error when qmail tries to deliver a message

2000-03-09 01:43:49.934939500 delivery 160: deferral:

I've investigated what could it be but I've run out of ideas :-/
The message in question looks like this (got it from the qmail/mess

Received: (qmail 13820 invoked by uid 600); 9 Mar 2000 10:34:48 +0100
Date: 9 Mar 2000 10:34:48 +0100
Subject: This is a test
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

This is a test


I added a dot . to the last line (I believe this is not necessary,
right?) but same thing happens... All other messages continue being
processed without a problem, whether they are processed by qmail-remote
or qmail-local. Is anyone familiar with this error?


Hi everybody,

Since yesterday I started getting the following messages in my maillogs:
delivery 460 deferral: Unable_to_chdir_to_maildir (#4.2.1)

there are hundreds of these messages, but only for one user (myself)
The rest of the mail gets delivered as usual.

I sent a mail from the console (echo test | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
and right after that these messages started to appear.
Did I break something by doing this, or is it just coincidence ?

The permissions on my Maildir is exactly the same as other Maildirs, 
and no other changes was made to the machine

Anybody have any idea what could have caused this/know how I can fix this ?

I am using RedHat 6.0 with qmail 1.03 + vpopmail + sqwebmail


Ok so I just found the problem. I had moved a .qmail-* file from a NT
machine, and the CR/LF  were creating all the headache. Oh well...

Next time I'll do 5 *more* minutes research before asking!


> Hello,
> I am getting the following error when qmail tries to deliver a message
> locally:
> 2000-03-09 01:43:49.934939500 delivery 160: deferral:
> /bin/sh:_unexpected_EOF_while_looking_for_`"'//bin/sh:_-c:_line_2:_syntax_erro
> r/
> I've investigated what could it be but I've run out of ideas :-/
> The message in question looks like this (got it from the qmail/mess
> directory):
> <<
> Received: (qmail 13820 invoked by uid 600); 9 Mar 2000 10:34:48 +0100
> Date: 9 Mar 2000 10:34:48 +0100
> Subject: This is a test
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> This is a test
> >>
> I added a dot . to the last line (I believe this is not necessary,
> right?) but same thing happens... All other messages continue being
> processed without a problem, whether they are processed by qmail-remote
> or qmail-local. Is anyone familiar with this error?
> Thanks!

Is there any limit  on tcpserver forking processes? I have configured
tcpserver to fork qmail-smtpd with concurrent sessions of 2000. I have
made a simulator that makes upto 2000 connections to qmail-smtpd. But
when the simulator reaches 1247 connections, tcpserver reports error
which is:

tcpserver: warning: dropping connection, unable to fork: temporary

I am testing this on a P-III, 500MHz RedHat Linux 6.1 machine with
512MB RAM and 1GB SWAP. The machine is off-line and there is no queue. I
am only using it to stress test the machine so I can arrive at a value
on number of simultaneous connections this machine can take. The
simulator connects to port 25 and simply says "HELO localhost\r\n".

/proc/sys/fs/file-max is defined as 65536. Is there any additional
fine-tuning I need to do with the kernel or file-system?

Thanks in advance.

- Ashok

On Thu, Mar 09, 2000 at 02:43:59PM +0530, S Ashok Kumar wrote:

> Is there any limit  on tcpserver forking processes? I have configured
> tcpserver to fork qmail-smtpd with concurrent sessions of 2000. I have
> made a simulator that makes upto 2000 connections to qmail-smtpd. But
> when the simulator reaches 1247 connections, tcpserver reports error
> which is:
> tcpserver: warning: dropping connection, unable to fork: temporary
> failure
> I am testing this on a P-III, 500MHz RedHat Linux 6.1 machine with
> 512MB RAM and 1GB SWAP. The machine is off-line and there is no queue. I
> am only using it to stress test the machine so I can arrive at a value
> on number of simultaneous connections this machine can take. The
> simulator connects to port 25 and simply says "HELO localhost\r\n".
> /proc/sys/fs/file-max is defined as 65536. Is there any additional
> fine-tuning I need to do with the kernel or file-system?

Raising the file-max is no good. tcpserver wants to fork and create a
new process. Increase your max-proc (or equivalent) limit.

See complete headers for more info


I'm helping a relative out on some problem with mails.

Right now, there is a small network (10 machines) and a RH Linux 

This network is connected to the internet by a dialup internet line.

A firm makes "mailhosting" for us, set up to throw all mail into the 
same box. 

How do I accomplish, that the server dials up (actually it isn't the 
network is connected with a router), collects all mail from the 
single popbox. And throws it into the right pop-boxes on the local 
computer ? 

Qmail is set up an running like "Road Runner on steroids" :)

I would also like to "pack" outgoing messages into batches (lets 
say the local server throws out messages each 30 minutes) .. 
Ideas anyone ?

Something in me yells "fetchmail" and "serialmail" is that correct ?



ICQ 5434480
PGP-key http://keys.pgp.dk:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xDF484022
PGP @ http://www.pgp.com / http://www.phpi.com

Svenne Krap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 09 Mar 2000:
> Something in me yells "fetchmail" and "serialmail" is that correct ?

That's what I'd do.

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //  http://www.iki.fi/wiz/
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
"NSA GCHQ KGB CIA nuclear conspiration war weapon spy agent... Hi Echelon!"

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