On Thu, Mar 09, 2000 at 05:57:23PM +0100, Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote:
> I assume this happened before the program entered main().

me too.

> Which brings up a natural question:  What, in general, is supposed to
> happen if a program is unable to proceed before it enters main(),

1003.1, 3.2 "Process Termination"
  There are two kinds of process termination:

    (1) Normal termination occurs by a return from main() or when requested
        with the exit() or _exit() functions.
    (2) Abnormal termination occurs when requested by the abort() function
        or when some signals are received (see
  [...] the status made available to wait() or waitpid() by abort() shall
  be that of a process terminated by the SIGABRT signal.

Regards, Uwe

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