On Fri, Mar 24, 2000 at 07:50:02PM +0100, G.Z. wrote:

> when I write to listar@mydomain the alias reads
> listar: "|/home/listar/listar"
> but mail is delivered to the Mailbox of the listar account

This is how the alias mechanism is designed to work: 
mail gets delivered to alias (and fastforward) only if there is no
account for that address. In this case there is a listar account,
so /etc/aliases will not be used.
echo "|/home/listar/listar" >~listar/.qmail 
chown listar ~listar/.qmail 

> when i write to mylist@mydomain I get an error message in qmail log like
> delivery 1: deferral: sh:_/home/listar/listar:Permission_denied/

chmod +x /home/listar/listar

Regards, Uwe

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