What did you think of the suggestion in FAQ 7.7?

On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 04:13:57PM -0300, Ricardo D. Albano wrote:
> I get in problems, I'm running qmail in a large site as inbound relay. After
> a few days running qmail the perfomance decrease a lot, makeing the system
> practically unoperable. I run a top to see the resources utilised by each
> proccess and I notice that syslod is usgin 95% os the CPU !!!, this makes
> the system very very slow, the queue continusly grow up while the cpu% is 95
> and upper. The solution for this is killing syslogd, after this the system
> continue worksing well, accepting connections and deliveryng the queued
> mails.
> At the first time I think this is a corrupt Linux installation, but I do a
> second cleany install of the entry system and get in the same problem...
> Any ideas ???, how can I tell qmail daemons to log via another "syslog" ??
> RDA.-

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