Ismal Hisham Darus wrote:
> All mail form our sites today has been rejected. From the log i see
> the following messages :
> 2000-04-04 15:48:55.710764500 delivery 1204: deferral:
> Connected_to_128.11.68.59_but_greeting_failed./Remote_host_said:_421_S
> MTP_service_not_available,_closing_transmission_channel/
> 2000-04-04 08:15:32.383778500 delivery 1002: deferral:
> Connected_to_128.11.68.59_but_connection_died._(#4.4.2)/
> Do i have to add something in order for my site to connect to yahoo ?
> or may be somthing wrong with yahoo ? this problem occured this
> morning only. B4 this we don't have any problem sending mails to
> yahoo.
> please let me know if i have to add something .. thanks
> Ismal Hisham Mohd Darus
> Asst. Manager, System Support
> John Hancock Life Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad

I talked to several email admins today and they all had the same
It looks like yahoo email was broken today.

Ken Jones

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