> On Wed, Apr 19, 2000 at 10:13:36AM -0700, Anthony White wrote:

> > During my initial tests I had no forwarding set up for
> > '~/alias/.qmail-postmaster' or '~alias/.qmail-root'.
> >
> > Any mail to these accounts placed the mail in 'mbox' format
> > under the '~/alias' directory.  However after changing to
> > './Maildir/' these E-Mail messages were no longer stored here.
> >
> > Where do I set up the '/Maildir/' directory for these addresses?
> The logs should show you what delivery is being made for those addresses,
> what do they show? Are they delivering or are they failing to deliver
> and sitting in the queue?

Until I set up forwarding to the system admin they sat in the queue
as far as I remember.  Before setting default delivery to '/Maildir/'
format they did appear in the '~/alias' directory.

> Generally speaking, they will deliver to ./Maildir in ~alias - when
> you made the Maildir, did you make sure that it and the subdirs are all
> owned by alias?

As I asked in the posting, what should the GRP and OWN be st to for
the ~/alias/Maildir ?  You mention 'alias for the owner, what about the

Generated during install....

-rw-r--r--   1 alias    nofiles         6 Aug 21  1999 .qmail-bin
-rw-r--r--   1 alias    nofiles         6 Aug 21  1999 .qmail-nobody
-rw-r--r--   1 alias    nofiles         6 Aug 21  1999 .qmail-operator
-rw-r--r--   1 alias    nofiles         6 Aug 21  1999 .qmail-system

My entries...

-rw-rw-r--   1 root     qmail          10 Apr 13 10:25 .qmail-root
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     qmail          10 Apr 13 10:25 .qmail-test
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     qmail          10 Apr 13 10:24 .qmail-postmaster
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     qmail          10 Apr 13 10:25 .qmail-mailer-daemon

Should 'root' own the 4 last in the list or should they be owened by 'alias'

What about the group 'qmail' ?

There are several more with 'grp' 'nofiles' but I have cut the list down
for clarity.  They were created during install from the '/etc/alias' file.


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