* Tomasz Antczak ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [21 Apr 2000 11:57]:

> I have small problem with qmail. I have two serveres, both running
> qmail 1.03. I set DNS for mydomain.com like that:
>                 IN      MX      0 server1.mydomain.com.
>                 IN      MX      10 server2.mydomain.com.
> server1         IN      A
> server2         IN      A
> If host server1 will be "unreachable" I would like to save mail
> for mydomain.com on host server2, and when retransport this saved
> mail to host server1 when it will be reachable again.
> What I must do for in this situation on server1 and server2 ?

Add mydomain.com to /var/qmail/controls/rcpthosts
on server2.mydomain.com, and make sure that mydomain.com
is _not_ in /var/qmail/controls/locals.

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