I have courier-imap compiled correctly on Solaris7 but when I try to login I
"Connection closed by foreign host.".  In the syslog I only get,
" imaplogin: Connection, ip=[]"  

When I give the correct username and password I get the "connection closed"
error. When I enter a wrong username andpassword I do get the expected
 "Login incorrect" error....which means imap is authenticating.

Any hints would be great. 
Please note that I have not made any configuration changes to imap following
Perhaps imap requires some configuration in some files???

Thanks Kristina

*****************Actual output: (Note: "ldaptest" is hostname)

root@ldaptest(29)%telnet ldaptest imap
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
* OK Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2000 Double Precision, Inc.  See COP
 for distribution information.
1 login kristina password
Connection closed by foreign host.

****************Actual output in syslog:
Apr 25 15:30:57 ldaptest imaplogin: Connection, ip=[]

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