At 20:06 2000-05-03, Russell Nelson wrote:
>Is anyone using Krzysztof Dabrowski's cmd5checkpw with qmail-pop3d?
>Yes, I know that he didn't write it for that, he wrote it for
>smtp-auth.  But it looks to me like he's reversed the password and the
>timestamp parameters to checkpassword.

Isn't it easier to ask me directly? :)

Here comes an excerpt from checkpassword's man:

"      The  information  supplied on descriptor 3 is a login name
        terminated by \0, a password terminated by \0, a timestamp
        terminated  by  \0,  and possibly more data.  There are no
        other restrictions on the form of the  login  name,  pass-
        word, and timestamp.

so the order is : LOGIN, PASSWORD, TIMESTAMP

my cmd5checkpassword accepts:

login name terminated by \e0,
a cram-md5 challenge terminated by \e0,
and a cram-md5 response terminated by

This can be questionable what is actualy a login and a password here.... 

cmd5 auth scheme differs a bit when comparing with normal authentication.

You can judge it yourself and it IS possible to reverse the parameters 
orded if you like. I will have to update the qmail-smtp-auth patch too..


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