On Mon, 8 May 2000, Bryan Hundven wrote:

> Could we possibly get this in english?
> Please?

Compliments of the babelfish (not perfect but you'll get the gist
of it):


                ATTENTION VIRUS 

                IBM and AOL finish informing that a new Virus - WOBBLER -
walks loose. It arrived in a
                titled email: " How to Give to Cat to Colonic ". IBM and
AOL have announced that are
                VERY powerful, but that Melissa, and who is no NINGUN
well-known remedy. This
                comere virus all its information on the HDD, and also
destroys the Navigator of Netscape
                and Microsoft Exploratory Internet. 

                It does not open anything with this I title and please it
passes east message to all his
                contacts and whatever it uses with assiduity the
email. Too many people do not seem to
                know to this todavia, asi that she propagates this
information as fast as it is possible to
                him. This information was announced yesterday by the
manana by IBM. 

                Please compartalo with all those of its book of direction
so that the propagation of the
                virus can stop. This it is a very dangerous Virus and
remedy for ' at this moment is no
                ningun. All you would agradeceran to know it. 


> Thanx in advance,
> Bryan Hundven
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hector Tinoco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 2:20 AM
> Subject: Re: FW: FW: VIRUS PEOR QUE MELISSA II *** Importante***
> On Mon, 8 May 2000, Eddy wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>IBM y AOL acaban de informar que un nuevo Virus - WOBBLER - anda
> > >>suelto. Llegara en un E-mail titulado: "How to Give a Cat a Colonic".
> > >IBM 
> > >>y AOL
> > >>han anunciado que es MUY poderoso, mas que Melissa, y que no hay NINGUN
> > >>remedio conocido. Este virus comera toda su informacion sobre la unidad
> > >de
> > >>disco duro, y tambien destruye al Navegante de Netscape y Microsoft
> > >Internet
> > >>Explorador.
> > >>
> > >>No abra nada con este titulo y por favor pase este mensaje a todos sus
> > >>contactos y cualquiera que usa con asiduidad el e-mail. No demasiadas
> > >>personas parecen saber esto todavia, asi que propague esta informacion
> > >>tan rapido como le sea posible. Esta informacion fue anunciada ayer por
> > >la
> > >>manana por IBM.
> > >>
> > >>Por favor compartalo con todos los de su libro de direccion para que la
> > >>propagacion del virus puedan detenerse. Este es un Virus muy peligroso
> > >>y  no hay ningun remedio para 'el en este momento. Todos agradeceran
> > >saberlo.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> /__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/
> Hector Ryan Tinoco Reed
> Administrador Nodo Internet, WebMaster.
> Direccion de Investigaciones Academicas
> Universidad Catolica de Nicaragua
> Tels. :       (505) 276-0004 - Ext. 5602 (Oficina UNICA) 3:00pm - 9:40pm
>       (505) 268-2362 - Ext. 116  (Oficina CRIES) 8:00am - 1:00pm
>       (505) 289-4829 (Casa) 
> Faxs  : (505) 276-0590 (UNICA)
>       (505) 268-1565 (CRIES)
> Beeper: 19533 (2784800 Alfanumeric)
> URL   :       http://www.unica.edu.ni/htinoco
> | |  | |  ___    / __\ |_______|  ___   _ __
> | |__| | / _ \  / /       | |    / _ \ | '_ \
> | |__| ||  __/ / /___     | |   | (_) || |_) |
> |_|  |_| \___| \____/     |_|    \___/ | .__ \
>                                        |_|  \_\
> /__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/

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