> thank you for this one. However, my problem is not only the size of
> the message but as well as its contents. I want to deny also any
> messages that contain .EXE files to avoid virus spread. So actually I
> have to filter the message in two ways - the size and its content.

What you want is Scan4Virus http://www.geocities.com/jhaar/scan4virus/
There is a text filter solution where you can filter on ex. attachement of
.EXE files not allowed when over ex. 5MB, etc...... This is the emergency
solution when stopping brand new viruses not detected by the scanners.
Scan4Virus supports Trend/Mcaffee/Sophos/H+BEDV and also very soon AVP from
Kaspersky Lab.

Take a look and I guess you will be impressed. I was and still am.
IDG New Media     Einar Bordewich
Technical Manager  Phone: +47 2336 1420
E-Mail:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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