Troy Frericks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [footer giving unsubscribe information]
> Has anybody given an explanation as to why this simple change has not been
> implemented on this list.  Kinds of seems silly that it has not been done,
> especially given the extra messages not having it generates.

Sigh; your post is also a FAQ (though it isn't in the FAQ). The answer is
that unsubscribe information is provided in the header of every post (partly
because Dan would like MUA authors to implement list-handling functions which
can easily read headers automatically).

If users will not read the header, they will not pay attention to
the footer either. You will probably get replies from people who've
subscribed to lists which use footers that way, and they will tell you
that the same questions are posted to those lists. Nothing is saved
(though some bandwidth is wasted).

I once actually wrote to a jackass who did exactly that. He replied that
it was a waste of his time to grovel around looking for instructions:
all he had to do was hit ``reply'' and post ``unsubscribe'' messages,
and sooner or later he would be unsubscribed. It was Somebody Else's
Problem (tm).


Frugal Tip #50:
Have everyone in your family agree to share the same toothbrush.

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