At 08:05 PM 5/18/00 , Andy Bradford wrote:
>Thus said "Keith Warno" on Thu, 18 May 2000 12:44:29 EDT:
>> What do ya think of people actually saving the initial messages they get
>> when they subscribe to the list?
>What I find amusing is that they are intelligent enough to subscribe 
>themselves, but then when subscribed they suddenly lose that same 
>intelligence that brought them there in the first place.  I guess it's 
>like hiking up a mountain but then becoming unable to find the way 
>down... :-)

OK, so they are stupid.  Now, let's help them out so they don't have to
waste bandwidth and everybody's time.  Lets send them several messages each
day with something in the body that all mail clients can read that tells
them how to unsubscribe.  After all, they are stupid, give them something
they can't miss.  Don't burry it in the header, don't require them to keep
something, don't require them to remember a web site, just attach the
information to the end of each message; then those stupid people will feel
real stupid if they miss it.

>  7:05pm  up 17 days,  4:22,  1 user,  load average: 1.42, 1.36, 1.32

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