qmail Digest 29 May 2000 10:00:01 -0000 Issue 1016

Topics (messages 42413 through 42433):

Test message. Please disregard
        42413 by: Nick Lekic

pop mail from isp wit fetchmail
        42414 by: Marco Leeflang
        42415 by: Darren Wyn Rees
        42416 by: Manfred Bartz
        42422 by: Marco Leeflang
        42425 by: Peter Green
        42427 by: Marco Leeflang

Binary distribution
        42417 by: Philippe Lagente
        42420 by: Paul Farber

Re: A good book for qmail
        42418 by: Darren Wyn Rees

Re: messages sent to msglog?? (how to disable - solved)
        42419 by: Peter Bieringer

qmail+patches RPM + logging
        42421 by: Christian Wiese
        42424 by: Peter Green

EZMLM (0.53) with EZMLM-IDX (0.40) gives me bus-errors..
        42423 by: Michael Boman

IMHO, qmail should exit ....
        42426 by: Russell Nelson
        42428 by: Robert Sander

Re: fastforward wierdness
        42429 by: Peter Samuel

POP and biff
        42430 by: Larry Lindsay

qmail-smtp problem
        42431 by: Tore Micaelsen

smtp-auth and MS Outlook Express 5
        42432 by: Denise Williams

Re: SMTP SIZE command?
        42433 by: Will Harris


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Test only

I setup qmail with several virtual domains and it works great for
several months.
every time the linux-box connect to my isp, the isp try to deliver mail
waiting in the popbox.
qmail deliver this mail to the users in the virtual domains.
right now i want to force retreiving mail from my isp by using

i can retreive the mail from my isp but all mail is delivered to
root@localhost, thats not wat i want.

Someone experience with qmail/fetchmail combination or another tool to
retreive mail from isp's en local deliver to de virtual domains.

marco leeflang

On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 05:05:35PM +0200, Marco Leeflang wrote:

> i can retreive the mail from my isp but all mail is delivered to
> root@localhost, thats not wat i want.

In your .fetchmailrc file, you need something like this :

        batchlimit 300
        fetchlimit 5000 
poll pop3.demon.nl protocol pop3 timeout 50 
     user [EMAIL PROTECTED] password YOURPASS is YOURUSER here
     user [EMAIL PROTECTED] password YOURPASS is YOURUSER2 here
      The syntax may be slightly different here, as some pop3 daemons
use "marco+yourhost.demon.nl" etc.  The line translates into English as,
"fetch mail addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and forward it locally

You'll need a default 'catchall' line in the above,
(user yourhost.demon.nl etc.), or some mail will sit unretrieved on
the mail server.

The above is a rather simple configuration.  Read the man pages
for far more elaborate polling/forwarding options.  Also, you need
to put 'localhost' in your /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts ctl file IIRC.

Demon (UK) offer smtp delivery of mail for their customers.  You'll
need to consider this issue when polling for mail if you too are offered this.
Read the Customer Support FAQs available from www.demon.nl

> Someone experience with qmail/fetchmail combination or another tool to
> retreive mail from isp's en local deliver to de virtual domains.

fetchmail is more than adequate for the task.  It worked
fine with my Demon (UK) a/c.  The newsgroup demon.tech.unix is
a good place to ask ISP-specific questions about fetchmail configuration.

this is my .sig, show me yours

Marco Leeflang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I setup qmail with several virtual domains and it works great for
> several months.
> every time the linux-box connect to my isp, the isp try to deliver mail
> waiting in the popbox.
> qmail deliver this mail to the users in the virtual domains.
> right now i want to force retreiving mail from my isp by using
> fetchmail.
> i can retreive the mail from my isp but all mail is delivered to
> root@localhost, thats not wat i want.

I have a similar setup and my ISP adds a ``X-Envelope-To'' header to
the emails.  This allows me to direct the email locally.  fetchmail
(with mda option) gets the mail from the pop server and delivers it to
procmail which then redirects it locally according to the
``X-Envelope-To'' header.

Here are extracts from my config files:

defaults fetchall forcecr 
mda "procmail "
poll my.isps.net protocol pop3
        username "me"
        password "topsecret"

* ^X-Envelope-To:.*(root|master)@xix\.com

* ^.*From:.*egreetings\.com

* ^X-Envelope-To:.*user1@xix\.com

* ^X-Envelope-To:.*(mob|.*bartz|manfred.*)@xix\.com

Manfred Bartz  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  PGP_ID=0xF172019B

Darren Wyn Rees wrote:
> On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 05:05:35PM +0200, Marco Leeflang wrote:
> > i can retreive the mail from my isp but all mail is delivered to
> > root@localhost, thats not wat i want.
> In your .fetchmailrc file, you need something like this :
> defaults
>         forcecr
>         fetchall
>         batchlimit 300
>         fetchlimit 5000
> poll pop3.demon.nl protocol pop3 timeout 50
>      user [EMAIL PROTECTED] password YOURPASS is YOURUSER here
>      user [EMAIL PROTECTED] password YOURPASS is YOURUSER2 here
>           ^^^^^^
>              |
>       The syntax may be slightly different here, as some pop3 daemons
> use "marco+yourhost.demon.nl" etc.  The line translates into English as,
> "fetch mail addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and forward it locally
> You'll need a default 'catchall' line in the above,
> (user yourhost.demon.nl etc.), or some mail will sit unretrieved on
> the mail server.
> The above is a rather simple configuration.  Read the man pages
> for far more elaborate polling/forwarding options.  Also, you need
> to put 'localhost' in your /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts ctl file IIRC.
> Demon (UK) offer smtp delivery of mail for their customers.  You'll
> need to consider this issue when polling for mail if you too are offered this.
> Read the Customer Support FAQs available from www.demon.nl
> > Someone experience with qmail/fetchmail combination or another tool to
> > retreive mail from isp's en local deliver to de virtual domains.
> fetchmail is more than adequate for the task.  It worked
> fine with my Demon (UK) a/c.  The newsgroup demon.tech.unix is
> a good place to ask ISP-specific questions about fetchmail configuration.
> --
> this is my .sig, show me yours

fetchmail retreives mail from my ISP this part works, what i don't want
is to put all my email/pop users in the fetchmail config file.
i want fetchmail to retreive mail from my isp and don't want fetchmail
to do anything with the message-header but deliver this maill to qmail,
and qmail put it to the right maildir.
how can i tell fetchmail to do nothing with the header.


marco leeflang

also sprach marco:
> fetchmail retreives mail from my ISP this part works, what i don't want
> is to put all my email/pop users in the fetchmail config file.
> i want fetchmail to retreive mail from my isp and don't want fetchmail
> to do anything with the message-header but deliver this maill to qmail,
> and qmail put it to the right maildir.

I'm not sure if this is possible, but it seems that fetchmail *has* to know
which POP3 mailboxes you wish to download, doesn't it?! I don't know how it
would know if you don't specify them in a control file somewhere.

> how can i tell fetchmail to do nothing with the header.

Check out the --invisible option to see if it does what you want...

Peter Green : Gospel Communications Network, SysAdmin : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Probably the earliest fly swatters were nothing more than some sort of 
striking surface attached to the end of a long stick.
 (Jack Handey)

Marco Leeflang wrote:
> I setup qmail with several virtual domains and it works great for
> several months.
> every time the linux-box connect to my isp, the isp try to deliver mail
> waiting in the popbox.
> qmail deliver this mail to the users in the virtual domains.
> right now i want to force retreiving mail from my isp by using
> fetchmail.
> i can retreive the mail from my isp but all mail is delivered to
> root@localhost, thats not wat i want.
> Someone experience with qmail/fetchmail combination or another tool to
> retreive mail from isp's en local deliver to de virtual domains.
> greetings,
> marco leeflang

Thanks to all, it works now the way i want it.

i have a single pop account where all mail for 2 domains are collected
where each domain has about 300 email-addresses

normally when i connect to the isp, the isp put all mail waiting in the
pop-box to port 25 so i never had to retreive mail by myself.

but if a connection is up and mail is sitting in the isp popbox it takes
a long time until this mail is sent by the isp, so i want fetchmail to
collect this mail
i put fetchmail in multidrop mode to collect all mail from the isp and
deliver it to qmail who takes care of delivering it to the right local

/etc/fetchmail.conf :

poll pop3.demon.nl proto pop3 timeout 50 localdomains domain1.nl
domain2.nl user username password topsecret is *

i run fetchmail from cron :

fetchmail -n -f /etc/fetchmail.conf 

thanks to all to put me in the right direction

marco leeflang

Does anyone know if there is a binary distribution of QMAIL for Solaris
2.6 ?

Compilation phase is not so easy for our end user...

Thks in advance
Philippe Lagente
tel;cell:+33 (0)6 80 45 27 32
tel;fax:+33 (0)1 39 44 02 44
tel;work:+33 (0)1 39 44 29 99
org:AVS Consulting
adr:;;130,136 av Joseph Kessel;Voisins le Bretonneux;;78960;FRANCE
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Philippe Lagente

It's tough to find any binary dist for qmail.... I actually *think* the
dist of binaries is against his copyrights.

Best place to start www.qmail.org. 

Paul Farber
Farber Technology
Ph  570-628-5303
Fax 570-628-5545

On Sun, 28 May 2000, Philippe Lagente wrote:

> Does anyone know if there is a binary distribution of QMAIL for Solaris
> 2.6 ?
> Compilation phase is not so easy for our end user...
> Thks in advance
> Philippe Lagente

On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 01:45:03PM +0200, 
Peter van Dijk wrote in [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

> > Can anyone recommend a good all round book for qmail?
> > Something like an O'Rielly book
> The O'Reilly book is Not There Yet(tm).

I wrote to O'Reilly about a year and a half ago, and they said
the Qmail book would be ready "soon".  

I wrote to O'Reilly again about a fortnight ago, and they said
one of the authors had "dropped out" and it would not be ready

I always thought hippies dropped out ...

If you go to www.ora.com (or, www.oreilly.com) you will find
a 'search box' there.  Type in 'qmail' and hit 'search
all of o'reilly'.  The *first* result you come across says :
   Date: Dec 15 1998
   From: Steffen Baumgarten
   Subject: Qmail
   Hi Tim,
   I am interested in Qmail, the alternative to sendmail. Are you
   planning to publish a qmail-book soon?
   Regards from Germany
   Yes. We're working on it. Expect the book in the second half of next
   year. It will be written by John Levine and Russ Nelson.

This is infelicitous marketing.

Now, my 'Ask Tim' qmail question... What *is* really happening, Tim ?


this is my .sig, show me yours


looks like appended diff does all the work:

At 21:13 25.05.2000 +0200, you wrote:
>At 07:27 27.04.2000 -0400, Peter Green wrote:
>>On Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 10:29:28AM +0530, Madhav wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> i use a RH 6.1 and i have installed qmail in one machine using rpms from
>>> "bruceg-qmail+patches"
>>> and it is working fine. but when i send mails i see a delivery made to
>>> msglog (also i am unable to find where this is stored) i don't want to
>>> a copy of the mails sent. so how do i disable it.

>Just for cosmetic, how can I disable this feature of "msglog"?
I was wrong, not only for cosmetic, also if local virusscanning is
installed, any e-mail is scanned 2 times...

diff -urN -x *.a -x *.o qmail-1.03+patches-12.orig/qmail-queue.c
--- qmail-1.03+patches-12.orig/qmail-queue.c    Fri Apr 28 21:52:40 2000
+++ qmail-1.03+patches-12/qmail-queue.c Sun May 28 20:22:50 2000
@@ -227,8 +227,6 @@
  if (len >= ADDR) die(11);

- if (substdio_bput(&ssout,QUEUE_EXTRA,QUEUE_EXTRALEN) == -1) die_write();
  for (;;)
    if (substdio_get(&ssin,&ch,1) < 1) die_read();


Hi all,

for my previous qmail installations I used the "Memphis" RPMS.
Today I've tried to setup a qmail server with the latest qmail+patches
RPM from Bruce.
The base system is up and running, but I can't find any logfiles.
Where can I find some logfiles ?
Could somebody explain me the logging machanism.



also sprach cw:
> Hi all,
> for my previous qmail installations I used the "Memphis" RPMS.
> Today I've tried to setup a qmail server with the latest qmail+patches
> RPM from Bruce.
> The base system is up and running, but I can't find any logfiles.
> Where can I find some logfiles ?
> Could somebody explain me the logging machanism.

You could also ask this on the rpms mailing list Bruce has set up for this
application. Send mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to subscribe.

Anyhoo, the default for the RPM is to use splogger. This sends log entries
to syslog for processing.

To set it up differently, you have two options:

1) <http://em.ca/~bruceg/qmail+patches/loggers/> Choose your preferred
logging method and install the appropriate RPM. I don't do this so I can't
help much beyond this...

2) Put your desired logging mechanism in /var/qmail/control/logger and it
will be used instead of splogger. I have the following in mine:

  /usr/bin/multilog t s100000 /var/log/{}

This sticks the multilog entries in /var/log/SERVICE, where SERVICE is
`qmail', `pop3d', `smtpd', or whatever.


Peter Green : Gospel Communications Network, SysAdmin : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> : Any porters out there should feel happier knowing that DEC is shipping
> : me an AlphaPC that I intend to try getting linux running on: this will
> : definitely help flush out some of the most flagrant unportable stuff.
> : The Alpha is much more different from the i386 than the 68k stuff is, so
> : it's likely to get most of the stuff fixed.
> It's posts like this that almost convince us non-believers that there
> really is a god.
(A follow-up by [EMAIL PROTECTED], Anthony Lovell, to Linus's
remarks about porting)


Been running ezmlm-idx on Linux for a while and it runs very smoothly,
but when I try to run it on FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE is just gives me
bus-errors when it tries to deliver...

Anyone has any idea why? What kind of information would you need to
provide me with your educated guesses?

Please let me know

 Michael Boman
W I Z O F F I C E . C O M   L I M I T E D  -  Your Online Office Wizard
16 Tannery Lane, Crystal Time Building, #04-00, Singapore 347778
Voice : (+65) 844 3228 [extension 118]  Fax : (+65) 842 7228
Pager : (+65) 92 93 29 49               ICQ : 5566009
Mobile: (+65) 97 87 39 14
eMail : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    URL : http://www.wizoffice.com

IMHO, qmail-send should exit with an error message if a domain in
locals is also in virtualdomains.  Yes, this makes qmail subject to
sysadmin misconfiguration, but it's subject to that anyway.  Is it
really better to run even if misconfigured?  Or is it better to refuse
to run if misconfigured?

It's *always* a mistake for a domain in locals to also be in virtualdomains.
It's *always* a mistake for an alias to match a real user's name.

qmail should not accept these misconfigurations.

I'd much rather answer the question ``Why is qmail immediately
exiting?'' or ``Why is qmail issuing the error message "A domain in
control/locals also appears in control/virtualdomains.  Remove one or
the other."'', than to have a sysadmin waste his time tweaking his
virtualdomains configuration trying to get a virtual domain to deliver
mail correctly.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://russnelson.com
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | "Ask not what your country
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | can force other people to
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | do for you..."  -Perry M.

On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 06:19:46AM -0000, Russell Nelson wrote:
> It's *always* a mistake for an alias to match a real user's name.

No, I do not think so. It is even impossible to determine all the aliases at
startup, because the underlying system is a "living" one. And in ~alias
there may exist .qmail-user entries for existing users. They are used when
the homedir of the user is not accessible.

Robert Sander                                 www.gurubert.de

On Fri, 12 May 2000, Peter Samuel wrote:

> I'm seeing some strange behaviour with fastforward-0.51 and qmail-1.03
> on Solaris-2.5.1. No patches applied to any DJB software.
[ stuff deleted ]

Basically, if fastforward was setup to call a program EG

            | forward\ `teladm\ $SENDER`\ &&\ exit\ 99,

It would NOT honour the 99 exit status. It would exit with 111 and
cause a deferral. This results in multiple deliveries until the
queueulifetime value is reached.

Looking at the fastforward code shows:

    217      wait_pid(&wstat,child);
    218      if (wait_crashed(wstat))
    219     strerr_die4sys(111,FATAL,"child crashed in ",arg,": ");
    221      switch(wait_exitcode(wstat)) {
    222     case 64: case 65: case 70: case 76: case 77: case 78: case 112:
    223     case 100: _exit(100);
    224     case 0: break;
    225     default: _exit(111);
    226      }

Dan, any reason why you don't have an extra case to handle a child
whose exit status is 99?

Does anyone else consider this a bug?

Peter Samuel                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Consultant                        or at present:
eServ. Pty Ltd                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: +61 2 9206 3410                      Fax: +61 2 9281 1301

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"


I have installed qmail using Maildirs on my Linux box (Slackware).  I have a
couple of questions:

I tried setting up a pop toaster, but it is not working.  Instead of looking
for the messages in the Maildirs, it looks for the messages in
/var/spool/mail/user instead.  my rc file is as follows:

exec env - Path="var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
qmail-start "'cat /var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery'" splogger qmail  #
where /var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery has ./Maildir/

tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup bummer.net \
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

when testing my pop connection, I get the following:

$ telnet localhost 110
Trying localhost...
Connected to bummer.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
user popuser
+OK 0 messages ready for popuser in /var/spool/mail/popuser

Any suggeations?

Also, I was wondering if I could configure the program biff to recognize
when new messages are sent or can I only use gbiff?


Larry Lindsay

Hi there!
Have a strange problem with qmail-smtpd.. when i use pine to send a mail from my mailserver..it stands for a long time waiting before it sends the mail, same when i telnet to port 25 from the mailserver to the mailserver...it takes a while before the "220 hostname ESMTP" comes up..
But if i send or telnet from another host it goes right away...
Anyone have a pointer what might be wrong?


I am having problems using smtp-auth from an MS Outlook Express 5 client.
Namely I can do pop but I can't smtp-auth. I can also smtp.

My setup:
Server: Running Linux 2.2.12-20, Redhat 6.1
tcpserver out of ucspi-tcp-0.88
supervise out of daemontools-0.70

SMTP-AUTH patch:

Client: Windows 2000/Outlook Express 5

On the Unix side my qmail-smtpd command looks as follows:
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -p -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u $QMAILDUID -g
$NOFILESGID 0 smtp rblsmtpd /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd /bin/checkpassword
/bin/true /bin/cmd5checkpw /bin/true

Here is the problem: I can do pop but I can't do smtp-auth.

The client comes back and keeps asking for the username and password combo
over and over again. Since I can do pop with the same username/password, I
don't think either checkpassword or the username/password has a problem.
Doing non-authenticated smtp works fine as well.

Also: What I am interested in doing is allow relaying from
smtp-authenticated clients and not allow relaying from anybody else. Any
pointers on how to do that?

Best regards,

FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com
Sign up at http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup

At 20:11 27.05.2000, Jim Breton wrote:
 >Are there any patches available that will make qmail support the RFC 1870
 >SMTP SIZE extension?
 >(I tried searching the ORNL list archive but since the word "size" is
 >returned with every response, my search was useless and returned tons of
 >irrelevant responses. :(  )

Here's one:

*** qmail-smtpd.c.orig  Mon May 29 11:54:41 2000
--- qmail-smtpd.c.new   Mon May 29 11:54:59 2000
*** 227,235 ****
--- 227,242 ----
     smtp_greet("250 "); out("\r\n");
     seenmail = 0; dohelo(arg);
+ char size_buf[FMT_ULONG];
+ void smtp_size()
+ {
+   size_buf[fmt_ulong(size_buf,(unsigned long) databytes)] = 0;
+   out("250-SIZE "); out(size_buf); out("\r\n");
+ }
   void smtp_ehlo(arg) char *arg;
     smtp_greet("250-"); out("\r\n250-PIPELINING\r\n250 8BITMIME\r\n");
+   smtp_size();
     seenmail = 0; dohelo(arg);
   void smtp_rset()


  "I was going to be a Neo-Deconstructivist, but Mom wouldn't let me..."

multimedia laboratorium                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
institut fuer informatik                        (pgp id)        F703D035
der universitaet zuerich                        (office) +41  1 635 4346
winterthurerstr. 190                            (fax)    +41  1 635 6809
ch-8057 zuerich                                 (mobile) +41 76 372 0913
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