> I made four tarballs from the docs found at cr.yp.to.  The tarballs
> are

> ftp://moni.msci.memphis.edu/pub/doc/daemontools-0.70-doc-0.01.tar.gz
> ftp://moni.msci.memphis.edu/pub/doc/dnscache-1.00-doc-0.01.tar.gz
> ftp://moni.msci.memphis.edu/pub/doc/publicfile-0.52-doc-0.01.tar.gz
> ftp://moni.msci.memphis.edu/pub/doc/ucspi-tcp-0.88-doc-0.01.tar.gz

> They all install the way it is suggested by the instructions for the
> dnscache doc tarball, so you will get 

> commands.html, libraries.html and packages.html

> The file 

> ftp://moni.msci.memphis.edu/pub/doc/README.doc

> tells you about the tools in the tarballs you can use to update these
> docs.

Is anyone willing to help port the djb docs to man pages?
I have started writing man pages for my libdjb project, specifically the
DNS resolver routines, but in my humble opinion it would be much better
to have the documentation for the user programs as man pages, too.  Just
a few days ago I was installing a bastion host for a firewall system,
and of course I didn't have Internet access until everything was set up,
so I couldn't read the documentation.

Luckily I had my laptop with a mirror of cr.yp.to with me, but that
should not be mandatory.


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