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On 9 Jun 00, at 8:36, Stefan Beke wrote:

> 1. i could't find out, how to get pop3d work with shadow passwords, so
> i'm using qpopper [and therefore i have to switch to mailbox format]
> So - is it possible to use pop3d with shadow passw?

Yeah; get a patch on www.qmail.org for /bin/checkpassword. (If 
your system is PAMified, get a patch for PAMified checkpassword; 
I'm using it this way.)

> 2. Next annoying problem. My Qmail is up and running. I'm using it
> with serialmail.  ppp0 connection gets into serious trouble after
> exactly 20 min. Everything freezes and in 1 or 2 min i'm disconnected.
> This never happens BQ ( before Qmail, 2 weeks ago ;-)), so I suppose,
> it have something to do with it. Any idea, how to solve this, how to
> locate source of trouble? Is it Qmail, serialmail? Am I overlooking
> something?

The information you provide is insufficient. What does "get into 
serious trouble" mean? What do the logs say? What do the 
diagnostic tools say?

I'd be really surprised if it's qmail or serialmail - except, of course, 
that they trigger a bug in your setup.

Version: PGP 6.0.2 -- QDPGP 2.60 
Comment: http://community.wow.net/grt/qdpgp.html

Petr Novotny, ANTEK CS
PGP key ID: 0x3BA9BC3F
-- Don't you know there ain't no devil there's just God when he's drunk.
                                                             [Tom Waits]

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