The message below went to [EMAIL PROTECTED] yesterday.  A number of
people I expected to see it evidently did not.  Please pardon the
scattershot approach.


The ucspi-ipc-0.50 package is now available.  Please see the ucspi-ipc
home page:

ucspi-ipc is an UCSPI protocol for the local domain.  It requires an
implementation of getpeereid() to allow servers to obtain the
credentials of clients that request connections.  It includes tools
similar to those in ucspi-tcp: ipcserver, ipcrules, ipcrulescheck, and
ipcclient.  Documentation is available via the ucspi-ipc home page.

The current ucspi-ipc package includes implementations of getpeereid() for:

* Linux kernels that support SO_PEERCRED with getsockopt().

* OpenBSD 2.6 with experimental extensions.  I'll make the kernel
  modifications available as soon as possible.

There is a mailing list for discussion of ucspi-ipc and other UCSPI


In a remarkable and amusing coincidence, Bruce Guenter released his
ucspi-unix only yesterday.  See

While ucspi-unix and ucspi-ipc are similar in concept, the
implementations are completely different.  For example, ucspi-ipc is a
djblib-based project; that is, it borrows heavily from actual DJB
source code.

Evidently, Bruce and I duplicated one another's efforts to some
degree.  If you have registered or implemented an UCSPI protocol,
please share the protocol description with the ucspi mailing list.
The description for ucspi-ipc appears below.


IPC UCSPI protocol definition
Copyright 2000
SuperScript Technology, Inc.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This document defines the IPC protocol for UCSPI-1996 tools. An IPC
client communicates with a IPC server on the same machine through a
local-domain stream socket. The descriptors passed to an UCSPI
application are copies of that socket, dup()ed from a single connect()
or accept().

[address] consists of one argument: [path].

A [path] is a file name associated with a local-domain socket.

The server sets up the following environment variables:

   PROTO: the string IPC
   IPCLOCALPATH: the local path identifying the local-domain socket
   IPCREMOTEPATH: the remote path identifying the local-domain socket
   IPCREMOTEEUID: the remote effective user id
   IPCREMOTEEGID: the remote effective group id

The client sets up the following environment variables:

   PROTO: the string IPC
   IPCLOCALPATH: the local path identifying the local-domain socket

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