well, what i decided to do was switch to qpopper and use the 
--enable-home-dir-mail=Mailbox and it worked fine.  

now one thing that i don't understand is the rcpthosts file.
it seems like it would be a file that would decide who gets to use
qmail as the SMTP server, but when i try to send a message to somewhere
like freak.net, it tells me that the address is not in the rcpthosts
file.  so is this to say where you can send to?  do they have something
for address that can use the SMTP server?  are they one in the same?
i put '.net' in the rcpthosts file and it sent fine.

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Chris Johnson wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 15, 2000 at 04:50:37PM -0500, Z wrote:
> > From what I've heard many MUA's don't handle the maildir
> > very easily.  
> MUAs like mutt, and I believe recent versions of Pine (and if not there are
> patches to make Pine understand maildirs), handle maildirs just fine. Clients
> that use POP to retrieve mail don't know or care what kind of storage you're
> using.
> > the exact error message i'm getting is:
> > 
> > -ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir
> > 
> > and i can't even have the pop server find it even if i create Maildir.
> You'd have to create a maildir called "Mailbox," given the tcpserver invocation
> from your previous message.
> > i think i'm going to switch over to qpopper or ipop3d to fix the problem 
> > unless someone has another suggestion.  
> If you don't use maildir delivery, you'll have to use another POP3 server,
> since qmail-pop3d handles only maildirs.
> Chris

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