On Fri, Jun 16, 2000 at 03:33:20PM -0500, Z wrote:
> well, what i decided to do was switch to qpopper and use the 
> --enable-home-dir-mail=Mailbox and it worked fine.  
> now one thing that i don't understand is the rcpthosts file.
> it seems like it would be a file that would decide who gets to use
> qmail as the SMTP server, but when i try to send a message to somewhere
> like freak.net, it tells me that the address is not in the rcpthosts
> file.  so is this to say where you can send to?  do they have something
> for address that can use the SMTP server?  are they one in the same?
> i put '.net' in the rcpthosts file and it sent fine.

Don't do that. Read http://www.palomine.net/qmail/relaying.html and
http://www.palomine.net/qmail/selectiverelay.html instead.


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