Ben Beuchler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>We are getting a ton of double bounces, mostly spam bouncing back to
>non-existent addresses.  In an attempt to thin out my inbox, I set the
>double bounces to got to a seperate address ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
>Here's the relevant snippet from qmail-showctl:
>doublebouncehost: 2B recipient host:
>doublebounceto: 2B recipient user: doublebounce.
>Despite this fact, I'm still getting double bounces delivered to
>postmaster!  And I did send a HUP to qmail-send.

In "man qmail-send":

       WARNING:  qmail-send  reads its control files only when it
       starts.  If you change the control files,  you  must  stop
       and restart qmail-send.  Exception: If qmail-send receives
       a HUP signal, it will reread locals and virtualdomains.


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