> > **** Neither does maildirmake $HOME/Maildir, although the command
> > maildirmake is there.
> Are you running it as the user the maildir is for ?
> >> as root, and it was working on the root user.  Then I tried the
> >>~username/Maildir and it worked for the other 3 users.
It shouldn't, you'll run into problems later on !!
The ~username/Maildir **needs** to be owned by username ....
If it's not, qmail **won't** deliver mail

** OK, I went back and chown the directories to their user-owners.
The owner was root, like you said.
The command maildirmake $HOME/Maildir. Should it be run by the user only? I
was thinking this was an administrative command for setting up all users
with a ~user/Maildir.
I did a maildirmake /usr/share/skel/Maildir and then added a user.  It did
create the ~user/Maildir and its subs with the proper owner and rights.
drwx.  So I think that is straight now.
The other command that I ran, I dont completely understand, so I couldn't
verify that it worked properly.  echo ./Maildir/> ~/.qmail
I executed this from the same place I executed the other commands.
It seems like maybe I should have been in the users directory?  What does
this actually do?

I can send mail from all users, including root.  Local send and Internet
I can reply to message to all users except root.  Anytime I send to root,
the log says un 24 19:46:38 ns1 qmail: 961893998.351162 delivery 56:
deferral: Unable_to_ope
Jun 24 19:46:38 ns1 qmail: 961893998.351423 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

I guess I didn't get /Mailbox switched to Maildir.  I figured I could fix
that in a bit. I have been looking in ~user/Mailbox to see if the messages
are being received.
The docs had me modify my rc file, then later had me copy
/var/qmail/boot/home to /var/qmail/rc which overwrote my previous edit of
./Maildir instead of ./Mailbox. I'll go and fix that now.
Here is the file before I edit it.

# Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
# Using qmail-local to deliver messages to ~/Mailbox by default.

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
qmail-start ./Mailbox splogger qmail
I am changing this line to :
qmail-start ./Maildir splogger qmail
Is the splogger qmail correct?

Where should the ~alias/Mailbox be, and who should be the owner.
Basic alias, ie.. Postmaster, MAILER-DAEMON, root.
All I did according to the doc was touch ~alias/.qmail-postmaster,
~alias/.qmail-mailer-daemon, ~alias/.qmail-default and ~alias/.qmail-root.
Then I chmod 644 qmail.*
These empty files are in /var/qmail/alias.  They are 0 byte files. Do they
need something in them relating to the alias?  The doc says look at
dot-qmail.0 for details, but the file has a bunch of characters just thrown
in where some of the important stuff is, and I don't want to make any
changes where I don't know what I am doing. I have to do some reading on man
to make it find the file where it is now.  It is still in the src diretory.
For some reason, it didn't get copied over to the regular man directories.

I hate to ask so many questions, but it is one of the best ways to figure
these things out.  My experience is with Novell/NT and desktops.  This is my
first stab at Unix.

I want to go back, if the original writer of the Install documents doesn't
mind and do a modification of these documents for FreeBSD 4.0, in
particular.  I know I would have been glad to get my hands on something like
this before I got started.
I already have a bunch of documentation on setting up Apache 1.3.12 that I
want to put out for some other people to get ahold of.  I find alot of
people asking the same questions that I had trouble with. Same thing with
DNS.  I am going to take my other PIII 600 and setup a second box with this
one to reference when I do a final re-write on the install differences for
FreeBSD.  It was mostly diretory differences and file name differences, but
it sure makes it easy when the doc says go here and edit this, and it is
really there to be edited.

Thanks for everyones comments.  I really appreciate the help.  I hope to
help others in return.  When I get finished with the docs that I am going to
re-write for FreeBSD, I'll send some periodic mails to the list so others
will know where to find them.

Thanks again,
Mark Thomas.
Special thanks to you, Steffan Hoeke...

-----Original Message-----
From: Steffan Hoeke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 3:20 PM
To: Mark Thomas
Subject: Re: INSTALL.maildir - Clairification please!

On Sat, Jun 24, 2000 at 02:00:53PM -0500, Mark Thomas wrote:
> Yes, I have tried Life with Qmail.
> I got into trouble when I got to creating the rc.0 directories that don't
> exist on FreeBSD.  So, I stopped and went back to the INSTALL.
> I found workarounds for everything except the (gaaak) maildir2mbox, but I
> still searching for some additional info on install/setup of these two
> features.
> Thanks for your response.
> MarkT
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Steffan Hoeke
> Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 12:51 PM
> Subject: Re: INSTALL.maildir - Clairification please!
> On Sat, Jun 24, 2000 at 11:32:35AM -0500, Mark Thomas wrote:
> > Would someone help me out here just a bit.  I am Sooo, confused!
> > Any pointers or documents that explain some of this would be greatly
> > appreciated..
> Have you tried Dave Sill's "Life with qmail" ?
> >> YES, rc.0 file problems (not on FreeBSD
Neither on OpenBSD, but that's logical since OBSD is a derivative of FBSD

> > TIA,,
> > MarkT.
> >
> > Here's where I am in the INSTALL.maildir document.
> > Here's how to set up qmail to use maildir for your incoming mail:
> > <**** This Command does not work
> What error does it generate ?
> >> Command Not found, %command= too many arguments.
> >> I found that if I went one subdiretory under /var/qmail/bin and did a
> ./maildirmake >>there it worked.  I could do individual user diretories,
> not with the $HOME >>>variable. I don't know why ./mailmakedir
> didn't work, but ./mailmakedir >>.~userid/Maildir did work.  I had only 4
> users to deal with.
> >>I am OK here!
Great !

> > <**** Neither does maildirmake $HOME/Maildir, although the command
> > maildirmake is there.
> Are you running it as the user the maildir is for ?
> >> as root, and it was working on the root user.  Then I tried the
> >>~username/Maildir and it worked for the other 3 users.
It shouldn't, you'll run into problems later on !!
The ~username/Maildir **needs** to be owned by username ....
If it's not, qmail **won't** deliver mail

> What command line are you using ?
> >> /var/qmail/bin/mailmakedir ~bob/Maildir   (for user bob)
> Should be something like :
>       % su [username]
>       % cd /home/[username]
>       % maildirmake Maildir
>       % exit
> providing you're currently running as a user able to 'su'
> this creates the following structure in the user's home dir:
> /home/[username]/Maildir/
> /home/[username]/Maildir/new/
> /home/[username]/Maildir/cur/
> /home/[username]/Maildir/tmp/
> >> Yes, I got this to work after moving to /var/qmail/bin
You 'need' to do the su as well for the permissions to be correct ..

> > <**** What is the deal with the "%" as the first portion of the command?
> The % is like the C:\> prompt in DOS ....
> DUH,,, I don't know what I was thinking. But, I couldn't get it working
> before I sent >>then note
<G> Nobody's perfect ...

Sorry, didn't notice your comments the first time i read the message ;-)
and please, don't prepend your comments with >> it's confusing my mutt (mua)

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