Thomas Duterme wrote:
> A quick (well, perhaps vast) question about doing large batch mailings with
> qmail.  I'm administering a qmail box currently and need to prepare to do
> mailings for our current user baseee (which has now grown to 300K)  Actually,
> we are planning on doing weekly mailings based after filtering our
> database, so realistically, I may need to mail 50-60K users per shot.  I
> have never administered this large of a mailing and my previous experience
> is simply limited to writing a python script for flat txt files of emails
> (at that time, they never exceeded 10,000)
> My qmail server sits on a DELL 4300, PIII, 512K box with a 10Mb/s dedicated
> connection.  Because of my inexperience in these matters, I'm concerned on
> how to approach this task.  How have other people done this?  How much of a
> load can qmail take at a time when sending out batches? (ie. I'm worried
> about buffering and potential problems caused with long quenes) What's a
> good way to calculate the rate of spawning?  (ie the time it will take the
> server to send out 100K messages)  Also, what are the methods that most
> people use to actually do the mailouts? (ie. my python script)?  Are there
> any good resources out there regarding batch mailing procedures?  Any
> advice will be very appreciated.

I'm doing the same thing - but on Sendmail at the mo!

I've found the perl module Mail::Bulkmail - you give it a message, and a
file of emails and it will inject it into the queue PDQ.

As for tweaking qmail - I've only a few obviuos ideas - like increasing
concurrency remote.

I would be very interesting from other more experience list members on
the advantage of using qmail and what needs to be done to tweak outbound

Also is tweaking would be a factor of machine load, process type, memory
and outbound bandwidth - has any any cluse on what a PIII 600 with 256
meg Ram and a U2W scsi drive will do ?

Any ideas gratefully recieved.

Greg Cope
> Thank you,
> Thomas
> Thomas Duterme - IT manager
> ___________________________
> Direct Line - (8610) 6417 2665 (ext) 224
> Fax - (8610) 6415 1086
> Business email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Company URL:
> Get a life at

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