"Mitul Limbani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>My problem is when i send all the users message frm the console mode thru
>pine the messages get transferred to the users
>./Maildir/ directory
>but if i send the same thru my pop box using my isp as my relay server the
>mail gets stored in the ./Mailbox of the users..

qmail doesn't treat local and remote injection differently: the same
recipient's mail will be delivered the same way regardless of where it 
comes from.

What's your default delivery method? Does the user in question have a
.qmail file? What's in it? Post log entries for both deliveries.

>Now the second part of the problem is
>I m using qmail-pop3d on the pop end..
>but i m getting this error message cant find $HOME/Maildir for the user so
>the pollin is not happening for the users..
>i checked out the enviromental variable $Mail which says the users

The MAIL environment variable is irrelevant. Does $HOME/Maildir exist?
Is it owned by the user? Is it really a maildir (e.g., created using


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