clemensF wrote:
> > wolfgang zeikat:
> > offers handy online forms
> i have used all sorts of anti-spam tricks, but presently i just look at the
> headers of a spam-mail trying to spot from which domain it really originated
> by scanning the recieved-lines and use "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" as well
> as postmaster for chinese or mexican or whatever open relay domains without
> abuse adresses.  this procedure is faster then any automatix.

Um, sadly, no.  Not unless you're an _extremely_ fast typist. 

All you do is paste the text of the email, including headers, into a textbox, 
click a button, and in five seconds (instantly if you're a member) it pops 
up a screen with the abuse addresses of all the abuse depts. to be notified - 
click another button, and you've sent them a standardized complaint, and 
spamcop is very accurate.  Many large abuse departments have automation to 
accept spamcop complaints, and automatically act on them - like immediately 
freezing outgoing email of a given account upon reciept of complaints, until 
a human can look into it and nuke the account if warranted. 

Spamcop also maintains a database of the _proper_ abuse addresses for a 
given domain - I would never have guessed [EMAIL PROTECTED] for AOL - if 
I had used postmaster or abuse, it would have taken longer for them to 
nuke the account.

Oh, and it will also tell you if the provider has already nuked the 
account, i.e. no complaints neccesary.


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